Song 20 ♫ Sort of A Girlfriend

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Never had a Monday felt more surreal after the weekend I had. I had a niggling worry in the back of my mind that everything had been a dream, like I didn't profess my crush on Tae Yang to him and have it be returned with scorching kisses, or like Mom didn't catch us in bed together without getting mad.

That was the wildest part, the lack of lectures.

The moment I emerged from my office in search of coffee after all-morning calls with providers, Leyna latched onto me like a new appendage. "How was your weekend?"

Dreamy. Delicious.

But that had nothing to do with what she'd done.

I narrowed my eyes down at her. "Really good—no thanks to you. I'm never going out with you again."

She gave me a double take. "Why not?"

"Because," and as I said this I gave her my best resting bitch face. "You abandoned me to three men, two of which were total strangers."

She leaned on the kitchenette counter as I brewed myself a fresh mug. "Bitch, one of them is your rich boy toy and the other two looked like his bodyguards. We're talking about big money, you should be thankful."

"First of all, he's not my boy toy," I said, watching the coffee machine and not her face, so she wouldn't see what could be on mine. "And second, you're just lucky it was Tae Yang because if you'd dumped me on anyone else you'd be dead."

"Sheesh, I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't do you dirty like that." Leyna leaned towards me and nudged me with her elbow. "Pero cuéntame, does he know what he's doing?"

And in case I didn't catch the hint, she winked real big.

I snorted. "Stop."

Of course, she didn't.

"Because you did bone him, right?"

I shushed her and looked around. We were alone in the kitchenette but some of the office staff weren't far. A peep around the door assured me no one was near enough to overhear.

"You'll be the death of me," I told her.

Leyna wasn't done with the topic. She leaned closer to me and said, "You mean, I served you up to that hot papi and nothing happened?"

I bit my lips. It wasn't like nothing had happened at all. Just, the thing she was thinking about didn't.

Leyna pressed. "Or he just couldn't—"

I raised the palm of my hand. "Don't finish that thought."

The coffee machine was done and as I poured some of the dark liquid on my mug, she asked, "Then what happened?"

I sighed. "You won't leave me alone until I say something, right?"

"That's right, you're basically paying me to extricate the gossip out of you." She flipped perfect ringlets over her shoulder and offered me a smile that, as a former Miss Venezuela contestant, made me proud.

"Fine, come along." I herded us to my office, where at least we'd get enough notice if someone came in. She sat by my desk and I fired up my laptop to get real convincing at pretending to work. "We did, let's say, make some progress. I just didn't want to do what I always do with guys. I want to take it slow this time."

"Ooooh, so you like like this guy."

"Yeah, I really like him." I sagged on my chair. "Is that crazy?"

"The way you guys met is the truly crazy part here." She shrugged. "Getting with a hot young papi who is also rich? We call that a jackpot. Especially if he has moves, you know what I'm saying. Does he at least kiss good?"

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