Song 19 ♫ Very Very Very Naked

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Finally, finally.

I laced my fingers in his hair and pulled his head back. Even before my lips touched his, Tae Yang groaned from deep in his throat.

And kiss him I did, with everything I had. I explored his mouth until I'd never be able to forget it, every hot lick of his tongue against mine shooting awareness down my body. His hands on my hips and his thighs around them were the only anchors I had to this world, because I was getting lost in the kiss.

It didn't matter we tasted of soup, the heat was his. The softness was his. The scent was all him.

Me va a matar, I thought.

One of his hands slid up my back, blazing a trail of fire as it went higher and higher, until he threaded his fingers in my hair and pulled me even closer against him. I opened my mouth wider to get more of him and even that wasn't enough.

Tae Yang pulled away and stood up. I'd been about to protest when he picked me up again.


"My neck hurts," he said as he carried me out of the kitchen.

Well, that made sense, with the way I'd been eating him up. "Oops."

One corner of his lips went up.

He walked us down a long corridor and kicked a door opened. I vaguely recognized his room from late night FaceTime calls. His bed had dark grey bedding and there was a massive piano in a corner, where he'd played me a song once. He lay me on the bed and was on top of me in one fluid motion.

A lock of hair fell over his forehead and I brushed it away. If anything, the gesture made his eyes even darker.

"This doesn't feel like a mistake to me," he murmured, leaning down to trail hot little kisses down my neck.

I held onto his sides, my hands finding his bare skin easily. His skin was impossibly soft over the hard ridges of muscles. As he settled between my legs, the sensation of him all over me made me moan.

Yeah, no mistake ever felt this good.

At least not in the middle of making it.

He found my mouth again and I almost lost it right there and then. I splayed my hands on his back, enjoying the ripping muscles as he drove closer against me, so much I could feel just how excited the exploration of my mouth made him. When he broke for air, he let his moist lips travel down my neck again, all the way to my cleavage where he tasted my skin.

If this kept going we'd end up very, very, very naked. And I really, really, really wanted to, but that was exactly how every other of my failed relationships started.

"Wait," I said, and he froze right in the middle of boobs.

Slowly, he looked up. His nostrils flared with his labored breathing, as though he were running a marathon. Mine was the same.

"I really am enjoying this," I said, my voice raspy as though thirsty. And I was, just not for water. I shook my head, trying to clear it. "It's just, this is exactly how it started with all my exes."

Tae Yang blinked really hard for a few seconds—then he pulled away. "We have to break the mold, right?"

He kneeled beside me for a whole minute, staring into the wall as he struggled to contain his breath. His chest went up and down as he caught great gulps of air and as I glanced down. His jeans were tight about bursting with a massive tent.

I did that. Good thing he couldn't see what he'd done to me, too.

I cleared my throat and he raised a hand. His voice was gravel as he said, "Just give me a moment."

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