Song 26 ♫ My Deflection

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The next Monday I walked confidently into work. Through the backdoor.

Paparazzi were scarcer since the initial news of a commoner dating a celebrity broke out, but since THESUN was the main act of the moment the interest hadn't waned altogether.

In contrast, my paranoia had tripled. Sometimes, I could feel eyes on me even when I was alone. I spent less time on the shop floor and more in my office, for once happy it had no windows.

That was where I spent most lunch hours too, including the current one. With one hand, I brought a sandwich to nibble on, with the other I typed on my laptop. I'd been working on a business case for weeks and I had a good feeling this time. After months researching the best natural products and testing them on my guinea pigs, and with more realistic pros than cons, Bryce couldn't say no this time.

My phone buzzed with an incoming call and I found it a shame I didn't have a third hand to take care of that. I set the sandwich down with a sigh.

Tae Yang's voice was all honey as he greeted me with, "Noona, I miss you."

I groaned. "I'm feeling so attacked right now."

That made him chuckle. "Would you feel more or less attacked if I go into further detail?"

"Definitely more attacked."

Because I missed him to an extreme visceral level, and the only thing that eased the clenching in my gut when I thought of him was work.

"Very well, I'll leave it at that. How are you doing?" he asked.

"Busy," I said, fixing up the format of the presentation after a few things I copied and pasted got it all skewed. "I'm finishing up the presentation for Bryce about the in-house product line."

There was a surge of noise from his end for a moment, almost as though he were in a construction site. Then a door closed and in the silence I heard only him again as he asked, "Ohh, the ones you've been working on?"

"Yup. I'm so excited about this one, I can't see how he'd say no." Then I thought better of it and added, "Well, unless he's stupid, which we know is precisely the case."

"Hopefully this time his brain cells decide to work."

"Speaking of working," I said, picking my lunch up and displaying poor manners by munching as I spoke. "What are you up to right now?"

"Recording the music video but right now I'm on break."

"Oh, wow! It's a shame I can't see that, it must be fun."

"It's fun, I get to wear a bunch of different outfits and look cooler than I am," he said, and I could feel the smile in his words. "But it's exhausting. There's so much footage we have to take for a three minute video."

"Do my girlfriend privileges include being able to see the video before anyone else?"

Tae Yang chuckled. "I'll see what I can do. But if you want, I can give you a live preview of one of the outfits."

"Oh, yes!" I fixed up my hair and checked my teeth before shifting to a video call.

My brain jumped out of its socket the moment his screen came on. He sat on a salon chair, phone raised up high. His makeup and hair were pristine, but the focal point was he wore a white suit with no shirt.

Only abs. Abs for days.

After picking up my jaw, I said, "I both love and hate this look."

"Oh?" He lifted an eyebrow.

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