Chapter 71

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Atifa's pov: 

Finding him in front of me again, I couldn't believe myself. No, I couldn't believe my eyes. Only one question resounded around in my mind, why? Why was he here again? Did he forget something? But I returned his mobile yesterday. Then what could it be? 

Could there be any way that he actually came back for me? To meet me? Or perhaps, to take us back with him? It could be a possibility… 

No. It couldn't be. He wouldn't have left yesterday if that was the case. I should just stop thinking ridiculous things and do my work. He wasn't here for me, it just couldn't be! It doesn't make any sense! 

And although he was looking at me, I hoped that he wouldn't recognize me. I hoped for him to just walk away like yesterday, pretending to not even know me. I didn't know if he actually even recognized me or not, but the halt in his steps yesterday gave away his pretence. It told me that he kind of knew, that he had realised that perhaps, maybe, it was actually me? And if that was the case, if he was unsure, then couldn't he just come back and ask me to be sure. 

There were a thousand ways in which things could have unfolded, but no, he had to just walk away like nothing happened. Like he didn't just run into his long lost wife. 

Well yeah, it might not be that long but for me it was. It was so long that each and every moment felt stretched, forced. I didn't know if he felt the same way or not, but it was hard for me, it was hard to survive, it was hard to cope up and it was even harder to hope and to keep hoping. Especially when there seems to be no way out, the tunnel seems to have no end, the light seems nowhere to be seen and things just don't look fine in general. 

But still, I had kept hoping through it all, for what? Only for him to walk away when we run into each other? Only for him to not even acknowledge me? 

It hurted me. It hurted me so much! It made me feel like I was hoping for nothing! That all my hope, all my faith, all my trust, it was for nothing! That the guy I decided to trust the most after abbu, he just… broke my trust? He just left me standing there? Yeah, maybe he had his reasons, but I didn't know them. And what could even possibly justify his impulsive decision yesterday? 

But when I saw him taking a few steps towards us while still looking at me, at least this time, I realised that at least this time, he had recognised me and was finally acknowledging me. 

Or maybe not. 

It was when I noticed Amira leaving my hand and running towards him did I realise why he might actually be staring at me, or in my direction in general. Maybe he didn't recognise me, but Amira? He would have definitely recognised her and might be staring at me, trying to figure out if I was the same person who he was forced to marry? Yeah, that could be it. That could be the only reason. 

He might have stayed only due to her because he could escape from me, but not from her. She was a curious kid who would have a thousand questions if he ever even decided to do something like that with her. He couldn't risk that. And he had a sister too, that too of the same age. He wouldn't want to disappoint her now, would he? 

"OH MY GOD BHAIJAAN! YOU ARE FINALLY HERE! I'M SO HAPPY!" Hugging his chest - her height had only slightly increased - she squealed in excitement, her voice high pitched, bringing me out of my depressing mess. 

Looking away from him, I blinked my eyes, trying to curb the tears away. No. This wasn't the time, nor the place for my emotional breakdown. 

"Assalamualaikum to you too little one." Hugging her back, he replied happily. From the corner of my eyes, I could see him finally turning his gaze away from me and looking down at her with a small smile. "I told you I would come back, didn't I?" 

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