Chapter 8

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Atifa's pov :

"My name is Saad. Saad Ibrahim." I heard a voice from the entrance of the kitchen. I stood there rooted at my place. Ya Allah, this isn't seriously happening now, I thought while squeezing my eyes shut.

Shoot! Why am I so loud? Why is my timing so bad? I wish the earth would swallow me right now. Ya Allah please save me!

I hesitantly looked towards him with an embarrassingly flushed face. He was standing there holding a jug in his hands and with a kind of embarrassed face, looking down. I wonder why.

I really hope he didn't hear our conversation. Glancing at Emaan, I saw her looking at him, more like staring at him. She has gotten down from the counter now and was standing beside me. Ah, now I know why! I shot her a glare asking her to lower her gaze with my eyes while I turned my attention back to him.

Gathering my courage and trying to leave behind my nervousness, I replied awkwardly. "Uh, Jazak Allahu Khairan for letting me know."

He mumbled a reply which I couldn't hear. "I came here to refill this jug." He said after a while of awkward silence.

I nodded my head. "The filter is there and the ice-cubes in the fridge, if you want them." I replied while pointing towards the filter. He nodded before moving ahead. I had momentarily forgotten about the spaghetti's and as soon as I realised, I got back to work.

Emaan was still staring at him with awestruck expression so I asked her to pass me the ketchup, as I tried to divert her attention. She passed it to me and I added some of it while mixing it up.

"He is hot." As I was tasting the spaghetti, I heard Emaan whispering loudly while looking at me in excitement. I choked on the spaghetti and started coughing loudly. I quickly turned the stove off. My cheeks a darker shade of pink. How many times am I going to choke in front of this guy?

"Are you alright?" Emaan was looking at me concerned, I stepped on her feet and glared at her, still coughing. "Oww, what did I do? I just said whatever was true." She added with a frown.

I could see him coming in front of us from the corner of my eyes. This time I was sure he heard her. He had a glass of water in his hands and his face was flushed.

It was then that I saw what he was wearing. They were abbu's clothes. And I was actually surprised to see him wearing them. I shook my innerself and glared at myself. 'Lower your gaze remember?' I reminded myself and looked down muttering astagfirullah in my head.

"Here." He handed me the glass of water and I took it from him, careful not to touch our hands. Taking a few sips, when I was sure I wouldn't start coughing again, I cleared my throat.

"And caring too." She whispered dreamily, forgetting for a moment that he was standing right in front of us and can hear us. I glared at her and gave her the 'wait-till-we-are-alone' look.

"Jazak Allahu Khairan." I mumbled embarrassed about whatever Emaan said. My cheeks burning red. If before I wanted the earth to swallow me, then right now I wanted to vanish from this planet. May be going to Bermuda triangle or black hole. Anyone else who would like to join me?

"Wa Antum Fa Jazak Allahu Khairan." He replied as his gaze flickered at me and then at Emaan, his voice uncertain. I can say that was because of my sweet friend Emaan here.

After that he hurried out of the kitchen with the jug in his hands. I turned to Emaan with a death glare on my face and my hands on my hips. I'm serious going to kill this girl. What was she planning? Why would she even do that?

She looked at me innocently while taking a step back. A sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry?" She questioned while walking backwards. I took predatory steps towards her, my glare unwavering.

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