Chapter 88, Part 2

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Saad's pov:

"I understood about Amira, but what happened to you? Why have you suddenly..."

"Nothing has happened suddenly okay? Everyone already knew about things except me! So how do you expect me to feel?" With glistening orbs, she glared at me, breaking my heart slightly.

"That's not true..."

"It is! You can't deny the facts! Okay, I can understand about Emaan, she couldn't contact me, I get it. But what about ammi? And you? Why didn't you tell me anything about Emaan before?" With her hands fisted by her side, she fumed.

"Ho- how was I supposed to-"

"Don't you even dare make any excuse here! I don't want to listen to anything. I'm just… I just can't believe that I was the last one to know about Emaan… She was my best friend, I agree I wasn't the best friend that she wanted or couldn't be there for her always, but still. I- You should have told me about her before… At least ammi should have trusted me with her secret, but no, even she didn't do it. Why? Am I that-"

"Then tell me when I should have told you about it? When ammi was aiming at me or when you were admitted in the hospital worrying about ammi? But you still managed to get to know about it and look at what you are doing to yourself? Look at how you are coping with it right now when you should only be trying to heal and trying to motivate ammi to at least try to recover soon! And for the record of it, I didn't even know that you guys didn't know about that incident!" Interrupting her, I hissed angrily. Couldn't she at least listen to me for once! And for God's sake, she should be concerned about her health, not anything else. At least not for now!

"I- I know… It's just that I- I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to cope up with things anymore. On one side there is ammi who wouldn't stop reminding us of her deteriorating health and on the other side I still couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that she is no more. And on top of that, I- I couldn't even help Amira with her studies! Her exams are just around the corner and-"

"And what about you?" Exhaling loudly and pocketing my hands, I asked her tiredly.

"Huh? What about me?" Furrowing her brows, she looked up at me, baffled. Her glassy orbs were still glistening with unshed tears.

"Aren't your exams just around the corner too?" Raising a brow, I reminded her.

"M- my exams…"

"Yeah, you should be focusing on them instead of these things for now. In just a few days, when they will be over, you can come back to thinking about everything else, okay?" Holding both of her shoulders gently, I suggested hopefully.

"B- but what if something happens to ammi during this time? What-"

"Nothing will happen. It's just a matter of fifteen days, right?" Giving her an assuring look while being unsure myself, I replied. I just wanted her to stop worrying about everything else and focus on herself for the time being. Everything could wait, but if she didn't focus on her health, it might even get worse. This mental and emotional strain wasn't good for her. Especially when she wasn't well physically too.

"Y- yeah. But it is a long time… An- and I don't think I would be able to focus on my studies in this situation..." Shaking her head, she moved a step back, making my hands fall back by my side.

"Try. At least you won't regret losing this chance in the future." Leaning back on the cupboard in dejection, I insisted.

"But I can't…"

"You will be able to do it. Believe in yourself. I know you can do it." Looking at her sideways, before she could continue, I interrupted firmly.

"I'm not as smart as you think I'm!" Folding her arms on her chest, she scowled.

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