Chapter 1- The Accident

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Thank you for taking the time out for reading this book, Welcome to Magia. Please bear in mind that this is my first story ever so go easy with the criticism. Love, Sean.

Groaning as he struggled to opens his eyes, the familiar scent of waffles and bacon drifted up his nostrils alluring him to get up and start his day.

Glancing around his room, he soaked in the calm feeling his blue walls provide to him, that was the main reason why he loved blue. Art papers were discarded all over the room depicting from humans to whatever creature he imagined.

Along side his art pieces were medals, trophies and certificates just lazily thrown anywhere, he was an excellent student and athlete but not exactly the most organized teenager.

"I'm hungry." That was the very first thought that went through his head as he stood and checked his clock realizing that he was late for school.

"Shit!" He rushed into the bathroom, scrubbing over his dark skin, hurrying to clean his lean body in preparation for the day ahead. An odd feeling crept up his spine and he flinched involuntarily.

"What was that?" A feeling he could only describe as a chill, feeling like some type of warning and it put him on edge as he was one to listen to his gut feelings.

Well, when those feelings reoccur and always prove to have some semblance of truth behind them, one learns to trust them pretty quickly. Like when he was seven he got a bad feeling when he was supposed to go on the bus to school.

He told his mother about the feeling and she had let him stay home as she was quite superstitious herself. Later in the day, the school called telling them that the bus had crashed and luckily no one was hurt.

After jumping out the shower and brushing his teeth. He threw on a black turtleneck and some ripped jeans that hugged his body in the right ways, he then ran back through the mess of a room, seeing discarded clothes and old junk in every crevice of his habitat.

When suddenly, he got the feeling as if someone was watching him and turned around quickly to only see what looked like a black  shadow-like object moving out of his field of vision.

"God I hate when that happens." Those feelings that he tends to have always left him a little paranoid after. Running down the stairs, he saw his mother at the stove frying bacon. He walked up going to hug her but decided against it as she tends to squeeze a tad too hard.

"Morning ma, can I have mine to go please? I'm already late for school." He said looking down at his 5'6 mother, her dark short curls a bit damped from her shower earlier, her body not looking like that of 46 year old, but as if she were in her late 20s.

"What are you going on about? Today's your 18th birthday, why would you go to school today?" She said raising a quizzical brow a teasing smile playing on her lips.

"Ha ha very funny." Normally he'd have to go to school on his birthdays but she decided that he could choose for this one as he was now 18.

"Don't mock me boy." She scolded, giving him a side-eye that promised a red rear if he attempted to again.

"Sorry, but I'll still be heading out then. I'll see if Zeke is willing to ditch and we can go out and do something that hopefully doesn't involve too many humans." He said while moving out of range of her arms chuckling slightly as she absentmindedly reached out to slap him.

"You are not letting my baby skip school."
she said while laughing but her laughter quickly turned into a scream when the oil from the bacon popped up and attacked her arms.

Zeke was Eli's best friend and has been since they were kids, they've always been glued to the hip and you would always see one with the other in the hallways at school, it was so bad that there were even rumors of them dating.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon