Chapter 29- Examinations

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The December breeze blowed lightly through the trees, some bare with leaves while others strong enough to last the winter without storing them away.

Despite being December, the day was abnormally hot. The sun shone brightly overhead of the island and the two men were now slick with sweat from the heat and the rigorous exercise.


Eli groaned out loud too exhausted to even attempt to.

"We've been at it for hours, can we take a break now?"

Mr. Donia would rather not considering this would probably be their last session due to the theory examinations beginning tomorrow, but seeing as there had been an awkward tension between the two, he didn't want to add any more stress on the boy before an exam, he agreed.

They both plopped onto the grass. Eli sprawling out on his back, his breathing labored while the only sign of exhaustion on Mr. Donia was the sweat on his face that stuck his black hair to forehead.

"I'm not fragile y'know."

"I know."

"You don't have to baby me, I'm fine."

"Maybe so, but I'm quite sure you baby that familiar." Eli met Mr. Donia's eyes with a wide stare.


"Your mark is showing." Quickly looking at his right arm, he in fact saw the sleeve riding up a bit revealing the mark.

"And you haven't mentioned anything about that dragon egg you found, surely it's hatched by now?"

"Yes- wait n-no." Eli sighed realizing it made no sense to continue hiding the truth from the teacher.

Eli explained to him that the egg had hatched a little over a month ago and that the dragon transformed into a boy, started calling him daddy, and that he basically soul bonded with what they thought was a Great Dragon.

Mr. Donia's blank stare morphed into a mixture of a surprised and worried expression upon hearing that the dragon shifted into a humanoid form.

"Eli... if he really is a great dragon, I'm afraid he may be a danger to our society itself. Eli, these dragons had untold power, rivaling that of the gods."

"But that doesn't mean he's evil! You haven't even met him!"

"I'm not saying he's evil, I'm saying that his very existence today could be catastrophic."

"If they were so catastrophic, how'd they go extinct? And are you saying gods exists?"

"We don't know how they went extinct, they were even thought to be a myth along with the gods by some people but it seems like the dragons not so much. The GMC and their followers do believe in the gods. Eli, this is serious no one can know."

"My frie-"

"Eli! Damn it. Sorry." He breathed out deeply attempting to push all the stress out of his body. "Who knows?"

"Javier, Ethan, Elana and Akira. No one else."

"Do you trust them with your life?"

"I do."

"Well I'm gonna lose my job." He said laughing to himself sardonically. "Nothing I can do here, unless you'd like to go down memory lane."

"Too soon." Mr. Donia grimaced and apologized quietly.

"I'd like to meet him sometime."

"Sure, promise."

"We're resuming now, on your feet."

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