Chapter 35- Perfect Outlet

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Javier was in the middle of beheading one of the undead soldiers when he heard Ethan's voice screaming for help.

He searched throughout the crowd looking for where the sound was coming from but he couldn't find it.

An undead jumped out behind him attempting to stab him but Javier spun around and touched the zombie's head. The zombie took it's sword and sliced opened it's stomach, his decaying internal organs spilling out and it fell to the ground, it's husk of a body fading away leaving it's entrails on the floor.

Javier looked around again and saw Ethan's body crouched over someone, tears streaming down his face as he's screaming for help, Eis the only thing saving him from the kiss of death.

An undead goes to stab Ethan but it's blown back instantly by Javier, who looks to the floor and is shocked to see Elana there, a wound in her chest blood pouring out both it and her mouth. Her eyes were dim. She was almost gone.

"How did this happen?"

"Javier! That bitch Akira betrayed us! Do something please!"

Javier was stunned into silence when he heard the news. He couldn't wrap his head around what was going on anymore and he couldn't heal Elana, Enchanters couldn't heal. Only Abjurers and Necromancers could heal and a few Transmuters who were skilled in Bio-transmution.

They didn't have time to find someone, and he didn't know if Eli had learned that ability. There was only one thing that Javier saw that could potentially save her life.

"Heal Boost." Javier said as he gripped onto Ethan's blazer and Ethan glowed green a bit before he returns to his normal color.

"W-what are you doin-"

"You're healing your sister. You're a transmuter, you can seal the wound by turning her blood to flesh."

"Are you crazy? I've never done anything like that! I've never attempted Bio-transmutaton you know how dangerous that is!"

"Then she'll die Ethan! Look at her!" Ethan gulped, looking down at those dimmed grey eyes that were staring up at him, her white uniform was stained with blood and guts, her hands by her side as she had no more strength left to move.

He couldn't let her die when there was a slim chance he could save her. Ethan breathed in deeply and placed his hand over the wound.

Please let this work.

He sent a rush of magicules down to the wound picturing the blood morphing into flesh, it was taking a lot more magicules than he had anticipated but he could see the way the blood is slowly starting to harden and attach itself to her skin.

This is gonna take too long.

Somebody flied right by the two of them smacking into the wall of the arena filling it with cracks.

Javier looked over squinting to see past the settling dust and he felt his heart drop. He saw a blonde hair boy going straight after Eli who was still stuck in the wall and he shot off his feet ready to kill whoever this boy was.

"Javier don't!" Javier heard Eli but paid him no mind as he boosted his strength, speed and agility and kicked the blonde hair boy across his face sending him flying a few feet away.

"Eli!" Javier rushed to him, removing him from the wall and then slid his arm around him supporting his weight.

"Don't hurt him."

"What? Why?"

"He's my brother." Javier was shocked but didn't have time to even voice a response as the blonde charged him, sword in hand attempting to hit Javier.

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