Chapter 16- Banshee

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Eli entered the class and took his seat closest to the door. He didn't share this class with the twins or Javier. Mr. Michaelson was already seated and waiting. Wearing a white floral shirt and a pair of yellow shorts with animals prints all over it, definitely not what you'd expect from a Necromancer.

The classroom quickly filled up and the students all stay seated no one having any discussions or walking about to greet their friends. The teacher stood, much taller than anyone present, his hair cut very short just against his scalp. His glasses sitting on his nose.

"You're late." Glancing at the clock, Eli saw the time as 8:15, the starting time of the class, everyone was 3 minutes early.

"You should all be in here and seated by 8:09, you know this, with the exception of Mr. King." The students mumbled an apology and began to prepare for the class.

"Mr. King stand and tell me what is Necromancy."

"Necromancy is the occult art of the manipulation of death and is also seen as a type of divination using spirits to guide the necromancer."

"Wrong." He frowned expecting this type of response.

"Necromancy is the manipulation of magic centered around life, death, spirits and souls. Everyone tends to forget that it is us Necromancers who do the heavy healing, who can breathe life into the dead, who are able to animate and create life itself. Necromancy is seen as something vile and evil, when in actuality, it is life itself."

"I never thought about it like that-"

"I know, most necromancers don't. Sit. You've proven to be on the level of your peers when it comes to basic knowledge."

Eli sat down, a bit offended, the class quiet not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side either.

"Ms. Akira, a demonstration for our newcomer please."

A girl stood, same height as Eli, and she was definitely what Eli would expect from a Necromancer, black short hair messily styled, her ears pierced all over sporting all types of earrings from crosses to stars, black eyeshadow accentuating her dark brown eyes and her lipstick black.

The only thing that wasn't black on the girl was her white and gold blazer and a golden medallion that had an eye depicted on it and Eli could bet the former wasn't by choice.

She walked up to the front of the class, and Mr. Michaelson placed a wilted flower infront of her. She raised her hands and closed her eyes and slowly the plant starts to regain vigor and vitality, standing tall it's white flowers beautiful against the black stem.

"This is called a dedisca flower, somewhat rare, it has a variety of uses for example it can be made a paste and used as a salve to heal injuries however, like Necromancy, it's good uses are completely overlooked for the bad. It's main use is Memory Repression."

The class passed with Eli learning that Mr. Michaelson wasn't so much as strict as he was a man of order. He simply expected things to be a certain way, like students arriving six minutes early to class.

Transmutation and Illusion classes were the same, practicing and perfecting spells and gaining a deeper understanding of the magic itself, with the Professors being Ms. Nila and Mr. Clemmens respectively. He didn't share those classes with any of his friends but the girl from his Necromancy class had been in them both.

The bell rangs and Eli made his way to the Dining hall, where he saw Javier and the twins, and they told him to secure the seats they'd get the food. So he walked, looking around but not finding any clear tables.

He spotted the girl, Akira, from his Necromancy class sitting alone and went over there.

"Hey, Akira right? Can me and my friends sit here with you?"

"Are you calling me fat?"


"There's obviously space, why wouldn't you be able to sit here, unless you're implying I'm fat. So are you calling me fat?"

"N-no?" Eli responded questioning the thought process of this girl.

"Are you just gonna stand there looking like a dumb shit or sit down?" Eli blinked owlishly and took a seat beside her.

Javier and the twins spot Eli and made their way towards the table, food in hand. They all sat down, the twins sitting together on one side and Eli between Akira and Javier on the other.

"Akira right?" Elana said with a raised brow.

"No shit. Do you see anyone else that doesn't give a shit about the dress code here?"

"Well aren't you a peach." Javier said, cocking his head to the side with a faint smile, his tone sarcastic.

"No, I'm more of a lemon, but thanks for your sarcasm, I feed on it." She said as she mimicked actions.

Javier just laughed enjoying the rebuttal, Elana seemed a bit out of her comfort zone, Ethan was unknowingly glaring at the poor girl and Eli wasn't even paying attention, just eating the food placed infront of him.

Javier stole one of Eli's fries flashing the boy a smile to which Eli glared and elbowed him in the gut obviously not liking Javier that much to share his food.

"Gracias." Javier said rubbing his stomach still smiling down at Eli's glare.

"Grassy ass? The fuck is wrong with you people?" Eli sputtered almost choking before erupting in a laughter that caused everyone at the table to laugh as well at Akira's comment.

"If you're always this funny, I wanna be your friend."

"My services are not free y'know, people pay good money for just this mouth alone." Akira said smirking while throwing a fry in her mouth then winking to Elana.

Elana flushed bright red at the innuendo but it seemed to go right over her twin's head as he didn't react but just continued to eat.

"Eli, we're going into town today, you wanna go?"

"I don't know... I have training wit-"

"We know you're always training, one day isn't going to kill you."

"I'll have to ask hi-"

A shrill scream was heard coming from out the corridor and every person in the hall became tense and silent, not a sound was made in the large dining hall.

A white pale hand passed through the door and some people get on guard preparing to attack the intruder while others stepped back.

A woman, with pale white skin, ghastly, floated over into the Hall, her red long flowing hair sweeping the floors and her eyes a bright fiery red as if the depths of hell reside within her head, wearing a long white tattered dress.

"Banshee." Akira said, tensing. There was no way to kill a Banshee and attacking it would just piss it off and it would probably slaughter everyone in the room, Banshees only had one task, one thought, and it was to herald the death of someone's family or loved one.

No one made a move, knowing it would be futile and just watched out for who was going to be the unlucky soul that was going to receive the message.

It went over to Eli's table and it's eyes locked onto Eli, glowing. It then turned its attention to Akira and wails, a sound sickening and deafening making everyone's ears bleed despite being covered.

As soon as the sound stops, the banshee turned into a shadow and sank through the ground, successfully disappearing. Everyone's attention was now on Akira and the same though ran through all their minds.

She's fucked.

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