Chapter 3- Magia Academy

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Eli's eyes fluttered open and he glanced around the room which seemed slightly darker informing him that it was indeed later during whatever day it was.

He saw a pair of dark blue eyes staring at him from the corner, frightened, he jumped up and had a third date with the floor.

"You fall a lot, y'know right?" The boy said holding in a chuckle, a beautiful sound even if stifled and Eli felt his heartbeat quicken upon hearing the sound.

"No shit. Did you have to just be staring at me like that in the corner of the room?" Eli asked the boy, getting up and sitting on the bed.

"Well, I did say I'd be here when you woke up, and I liked this space right here." He said while looking right up at Eli. His blue eyes meeting Eli's black ones. Heat traveled to the Eli's cheeks and he adverted his eyes.

"What's your-"

"Name?" He smirked as he finished the question, the action highlighting his defined jaw structure.

"Javier. Javier Rodrigues." He replied stalking over to the boy sitting on the bed.

He enjoyed the view of his lean muscles body and his rich dark skin, his hair was curled and defined but a bit short and his face was sprouting a couple hairs, his facial hair just coming in.

"My name is-"

"Elijah King, I know." He said cutting him off yet again and Eli felt his eye twitch at the action.

"If you cut me off when I'm speaking again, I'll nut shot you. Also, I dont like people calling me Elijah, so call me Eli okay?" Eli himself didn't know how he remembered that preference and Javier looked a bit surprised at the scolding but shook it off quickly, grinning.

"Sure, I know you must be feeling confused, so I'll explain to the best of my abilities of what my world, You're talented." Javier said.

"Talented? Is that some kind of joke?"

"No, it's what we call those who can produce and manipulate the flow of magicules to use spells. Magicules, simply put, Magic Molecules. They make up everything you know from plants to electricity, they all contain Magicules.

Those that can use their own Magicules are sometimes referred to as "talented." Everyone can produce molecules, but not everyone awakens and is able to use those magicules. Basically you're a Warlock, you can use Magic. You with me so far?"

"Uh huh... So you're saying that I can do magic or something? Okay bozo, this is definitely some joke, I may not remember anything but I would definitely remember being some kind of witch bitch." Eli was not buying this magic thing at all and was getting a little irritated that Javier thought him so stupid as to think something like Magic existed.

"Very well then. I'll prove it." Javier said, taking a couple steps back, he inhaled deeply, and opened his eyes.

His deep blue eyes appeared to glow as he put out his hand concentrating, feeling the magicules within his body rush towards his fingertips, like an electrical current, he pictured a small fire crackling, and soon he felt the heat warming his hands.

Eli was shocked upon seeing this, and almost slipped again but he catched himself quickly, looking at Javier holding a ball of fire in his hands.

"Holy shit." He said bewildered, reaching out to touch the flame, somewhat drawn to it, feeling as if there is an itch at the back of his head, like ther was something he should remember about the fire. The closer he goes the more intense the itch became and he so wanted to scratch it.

"It's fire, it will burn you, y'know" The taller of the boys said chuckling as he moved the fire away from Eli's outstretched hand not wanting him to burn himself.

Eli snapped out of whatever trance he was in and Javier threw the fireball upwards to the ceiling and it exploded causing an array of colours to come raining down glimmering slightly.

It was marvelous, Eli was enamored by the sheer beauty of it, he saw the magic for its beauty and ability to put a smile on someone's face and not the potential power.

Magic was beautiful and warm and Eli wanted that. He knew nothing about himself, but he knew what he wanted in that moment and it was Magic.

"Beautiful." Eli said mesmerized by the display. He could've sworn he heard Javier say something in return but he was too engrossed in the colors.

"So... you're saying I will be able to do that one day? That I'll be able to use Magic like that?" He asked as his eyes trailed the last blue spark that fell down to the floor and disappeared leaving Eli looking at his reflection a smile on his face.

Could I do that?

"Yes. Actually, you're at a school for us mages we have teachers that will teach you how to use your Magic and the basics of our supernatural world."

"Supernatural world? So do stuff like vampires exist?" Eli asks, Javier chuckled before looking Eli straight in the eyes.

"Anything you can think of exists in this world. Speaking of which, we are in a different realm. The realm of the mundane, that is, the untalented is where you grew up according to Mr. Donia. It's quite odd, not too many mages are awakened there."

"Mr. Donia?"

"He's a professor at this Academy and the one that found and brought you here. Normally, a sentry would've found you but I guess you got lucky in some sense.You also said something about memory problems so he can probably give you some insight to those issues. I have to go now but I'll send the Professor here okay?"

Eli felt a little disappointed upon hearing the boy's departure, but he smiled brightly and waved him off making a mental note to see him again.

He got up and looked around the room he was in and saw a window, walking towards he let out a gasp when he saw outside.

Buildings embedded in crystals of all different types of colors, some of which Eli has never seen before floating. There were weird looking plants that moved, but somehow it wasn't not creepy and more rhythmic and beautiful.

He could make out a purple lining just off the horizon and the sea, it appears as if they are on an island. The architecture was amazing, so many unknown symbols and writings, and that's when he saw a huge white flag, depicting a black Cresent Moon.

"Cool isn't it?"

Eli spun around to see a man standing a little taller than him, looking like he's in his late 30s, remnants of a shaven beard on his face, a pair of glasses through which a pair of brilliant green eyes peered at him. His long flowing black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, his skin a pale white, not a flaw in sight.

"I'm Professor Donia, but outside of class you may call me David if sk you wish, welcome to Magia Academy." He said while extending his arm for a handshake.

Eli stretched out his hand for the handshake and was surprised when Professor Donia, gripped his hand tightly, and with a tight smile said.

"I think you owe me a finger."

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