Chapter 56- Transfer

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The air felt thin and Mr. Donia had trouble breathing it in, the salty smell of the ocean drifting up towards the cliff. Mr. Donia hadn't wanted to be here personally for this but there was something in him was nagging him to go, some poetic justice in watching the one who had killed Tatiana join her.

They were by the edge of the island that was uninhabited. A stake standing tall by the edge of the cliff, the sticks and logs put together to form three steps which Mr. Spear climbed one step at a time.

There were a couple wards and a representative from the council to oversee the execution, the principal had been invited and decided to take Mr. Donia along as well.

"David you came!"

Mr. Donia felt rage bubble up in the pit of his stomach but it made no sense. Why let him provoke him now when he was minutes away from being burned at the stake?

"David don't be like that!"

As he shouted the wards began to wrap the rope around his body, securing it to the stake as two other wards walked around the surroundings sticks, dousing them in gasoline.

A few moments later everything was set, Mr. Spear had been doused in gasoline, his incessant chattering just urging everyone to get this thing over with.

"To keep this as short as possible." Edgar said as he stepped up in front of the stake. "We're here for the execution of Q'van Spear, a man who has been found guilty of treason and more recently, murder."

The small crowd was silent, he had no family to object or try to attempt to get him pardoned, afterall he had also admitted to everything.

"We have sentenced him to die by fire."

A few mutters made themselves known. To be executed by fire was no joke in the witch community. Their soul would never find peace and revival of that body was impossible. Those that believed in reincarnation said that the cycle would end and they would suffer in the afterlife, forsaken by the gods.

"Last words?" Edgar's voice was cold, as his expression and stance remained stoic. He was daring the man to utter another word.

"Well actu-"

The incantation was muttered before he had a chance to finish his statement. His screams echoed from the flames that singed the flesh from his bones and boiled the blood in his body simultaneously.

His screams quickly became laughter. It was a bone-chilling laughter that sent chills down everyone's back. The sound echoed and demonized, sounding as if there were more voices in the fire all laughing hysterically at an inside joke.

The reverberations rocked everyone to their core, and they felt the presence of something they could only describe as death reincarnate. Whatever was happening there, it was sinister and evil. The laughter died down along with the flames taking along their racing heartbeats with it.

No one said anything, not even the head of the council. It was silent when they all began to return to their homes, they had already prepared for a somber evening. Whether he was evil or not they had took a life, what they hadn't expected was for an omen like that.

A hand clasped Mr. Donia's shoulder, effectively snapping him from his thoughts and he turned to see the principal, Ms. Montgomery, looking right at him, her piercing green eyes seeing straight through him.

He grimaced inwardly, he didn't want to worry the woman but it was probably too late for that.

"I'm fine." She snorted, as they walked the streets of the town.

"Sure you are." The man's eyes narrowed at her and she put her hands up in a defensive manner. "We both know you aren't."

He said nothing at that, it was true. He was crumbling, falling back into bad habits, but he suspected she already knew. Which was why when they turned into a bar she hadn't tried to stop him.

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