Chapter 40- A Gift/A Warning

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The duo had made their way to the docks by nightfall. Ethan paid a goblin two gold pieces to carry them directly to the main land, Gestia.

Goblins would do anything for a couple pieces of gold, they were short with green tinged skin and pointed ears and they tended to have yellow irises.

If it were possible they would've teleported but that ability had a limited range. However, if there was a conjurer with them they could've used a portal but since there wasn't, a boat ride across was the only option as they needed to avoid the public warp tiles due to the wards probably chasing them.

The ride wasn't exactly the safest option seeing as the sea had countless creatures that could very well destroy their cabin cruiser. How the goblin got it's hands on that boat? They would never know.

The goblin tells them they can board now, they do and take a seat in the stem cockpit while the goblin takes it's seat behind the wheel.

After a few moments the boat is off, skimming along the waves of the sea that separates them from Gestia. Eli's body was humming with anticipation a complete opposite of how he'd been in the infirmary. The cold feeling was still there but it had subsided now that he was actively heading towards Aurum.

He didn't know how he knew where to go, it was more than a feeling at this point. He wasn't able to voice exactly where it was but he could point them in the right direction and he had a feeling of how far he was away from him too.

The ride to the mainland would be a three hour ride based on the speed the goblin was going. He was currently biting on one of the gold pieces that Ethan had given with him a smile on his face, as he stuffed the other in the pocket of his jeans and pulled down his big flannel shirt over said area.

"Are we going the right way?"

"Yes, he's getting closer."


The conversation ended there, neither of the two were feeling particularly chatty and probably wouldn't be for the remainder of this journey.

The sea was relatively calm, the waves, gentle and smooth reminding Eli of the reoccurring dreams he had. The sky was void of any clouds and the stars fluttered the night sky with their light.

The weather was worsening with each day they approached the new year, the sun unable to warm up the winter winds that became colder with each passing day of December.

Ethan was worried sick about Elana but he couldn't stay there and watch her die, so he sought out the next best thing, revenge or so he told himself. He also had high hopes of seeing Zeke again, not that he'd tell Eli that. He also did feel a bit remorseful at not letting Javier tag along but Eli insisted they leave him.

Said boy was now at the swim platform, his hand dipping in the salty water ever so often, as he watched the glowing sea nymphs dance under the ripples created by the boat. He could've sworn he saw something like a mermaid but he wasn't sure due to his only light source being that from the heavens above.

He could hear the giggles of the nymphs everytime his hand went into the sea and as much as he wanted to feel relaxed and calm, he couldn't bring himself to. The thought of Aurum being in pain loomed over his every action causing his body to remain stiff despite his calm actions.

They were about one hour into the ride when the weather was starting to take a turn for the worst. Clouds polluted the night sky, blocking off the light from the stars and infected the winds with there presence, the temperature dropping a couple degrees lower.

Looking down, Eli saw that the nymphs had fled and the water below the boat was now dark and he couldn't see much so he went back up to the cockpit. A chill races up his spine and he gets on guard ready to kill whatever it was that caused that feeling, the electricity in his fingers crackling.

Unbeknownst to the passengers, a black shadow had formed on the floor and from it emerged a white pale hand, that was slowly pulling out its body. Ethan looked up at Eli and saw the body slowly rising out of the shadows.


He spun around, raises his hand and sent a bolt of lighting at the appearing figure but it does nothing and Eli immediately put down his hand when he realized what it was. The goblin hadn't even paid them any attention as he was still enamored by the taste of the gold coin in his mouth.



They said simultaneously and the banshee just hovered above the boat, it's flowing white drapes concealing the floor as it stared right at Eli.

Ethan instantly assumed the worst and thought of his sister. She was going to die, he was sure of it and his heart began to fail him. He couldn't lose her, not now, not ever.

They awaited the piercing scream from the banshee however, it never came. It's blazing red eyes pierced Eli's pitch black ones and Eli then knew this was the exact banshee that had foretold the death of Akira's father recognizing that distinct feeling he received when it looked him dead on in the dining hall.

"Elijah King."

It's voice was soft but not sweet, it was cold and it sent shivers up everyone's spine. Ethan's eyes widened when he heard it speak as he didn't even know they did that. No one did. This was the first time a banshee had ever spoken a word, ever.

"I come baring an apology."

"A what? Why?"

Eli was numb enough to not feel the cold that permeated the boat from the banshee's body and couldn't feel astounded to the fact that he was talking to a banshee. Ethan however, was catching flies with his mouth wide open as he stared at the banshee in shock.

"I was there the day your family died."

It seems that the numbness he felt didn't extend to the feeling of grief as it hit him like a brick when he heard what the banshee had said.


"I was supposed to herald the death of your family however, you hadn't awakened fully and couldn't hear my wail. I'm the first banshee to ever fail to foretell death and as such I have to redeem myself. I come baring a gift and a warning."

Eli gulped this was getting a bit too much for him, how he could feel numb and cold inside but have his emotions feel as if they were hypersensitive at the same time was beyond his knowledge of the chemical composition of his brain. He wasn't even sure if the laws of chemistry still applied to his kind.

"The gift, is information. I was there when you're family died, and it was no accident-" Eli went to speak but was quickly silenced by the banshee. "The woman who has poisoned your friend's mind is the one responsible for the death of your family."

The boat was eerily silent and seemed to have gotten even colder if that was possible. If that was the gift just what the hell type of warning would be given.

"Love is a double edged sword. The strongest of emotions, it simultaneously affects the mind, the heart and the senses. That is my warning to you."

With that the banshee begins to blacken and slump onto the floor, disappearing in a shadow, leaving Eli's mind in shambles and Ethan's heart beating a mile a minute as he released a sigh, happy that banshee wasn't meant for his sister.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt