Chapter 13- Lunch

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Eli stood in the Dining Hall, a bit overwhelmed, students everywhere, some eating outside as well. Javier went to go collect their lunch and told Eli to find a spot.

Walking, he could feel the not so subtle glances and stares in his direction. Whispers, snickering and murmuring all drifting to his ears as he walks looking for an empty space.

Luckily, he saw an empty spot, close to the corner. He quickly walked over, trying to claim the spot before anyone else. He approached the table and thankfully, no one else seemed to want to sit there.

He went to sit on the bench, however, he fell right through it, landing on his rear. A roar of laughter echo throughout the huge hall, people saying they couldn't believe he fell for it, or how stupid he was.

Eli's face got warm with embarrassment glancing up to see someone standing above him looking right down at him with a smirk.

"I would've thought, someone of your pure skill and talent would notice such a simple illusion." The boy said a look of disdain on his face.

Piercing icy blue eyes, his skin pale, and his black hair short, and styled to the right. Laughter rang out once again.

Eli gritted his teeth and stood, meeting his height, ready to tell off the boy, when a hand clasps his shoulder.

"You've had your fun, now go harass someone else, Leo."

"Javier, what are you doing with this pathetic excuse for a sorcerer?" He said, pointing his glare to the taller boy who met it with one of his own.

"I don't recall hanging around you much, because you're the only pathetic one standing here." The hall grew quiet, as if everyone began holding their breaths at the exchange.

"I don't even need to look at you twice to know that you're probably some noble, who deems himself better than everyone, probably to hide his own insecurities, did mommy and daddy not pay attention to you as a child?" Eli spat out, refusing to be walked on.

Leo's face became red with rage and his eyes snapped back to glare at Eli, a pure hatred eminent from his scowl. Then, he breathed out, and walked away over to a table with three more students, and then the whispers resumed again.

"You probably shouldn't have said that, as true as it is. Leo is a bitch, but he does know how to hit someone where it hurts." Javier said sitting down placing the food in front of them both.

"You're right about one thing, he is a bitch." Eli huffed out, scoping up the food and shoving it in his mouth haughtily.

Javier smirked and began eating, pausing when he saw Ethan and Elana coming over. He waved his hand out calling them over.

Eli looked back and recognizes them as the twins that were looking at him during the assembly. Both their grey eyes lock unto Eli and he turned back to face Javier, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of their steel grey eyes.

"Javier, it's the first day and you're messing with Leo already, you normally wait until exams are close." The girl, Elana said while sitting, her white hair almost touching the ground when she sat beside Javier.

Her brother, Ethan, sat beside Eli much to his dismay. He felt uncomfortable with their previous interactions earlier.

"Javi, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend here." Elana said beaming, a smile on her face.

"You already know, so no point." She pouted and deflated a little.

"Ethan, tell Javi to stop being such a prude and introduce us." The boy just grumbled something under his breath and started eating.

She scoffed, hating that no one was paying her attention, she stretched her hand across the table.

"I'm Elana Morgen and that's my brother Ethan, nice to meet your acquaintance."

"I'm Elijah King, but call my Eli please."

They shook hands and she smiled brightly yet again.

"So Javi, when were you going to tell us you got a boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Both Javier and Eli responded at the same time, glancing at each other they blush and look away quickly. Eli becoming aware of the chain around his neck and Javier touching his pocket to feel his.

"Fine, you don't have to try to take my head off because your in denial. Anyways, what are you Eli?"

"What am I?"

"Your magic type, what school do you belong to?"

"I'm an Evoker and an Abjurer."

Her eyes went wide, and she full on grins, looking over to her brother, who was shaking his head.

"See I told you! I knew he was a Bimage."

Her brother only shot her a glance, clearing not caring and just continued to eat, but his entire posture seemed to have stiffened further if that were possible.

"I'm an Evoker and Diviner, and my brother's a transmuter."

"You think it wise to tell him that?" Her brother finally spoke, his was voice deep and gravelly, as if he hadn't spoken in years.

"It's fine, he's a good guy, I know it."

"So then, you're nobles." Eli said, looking in between them both.

"Yep, Javi too, he's really skilled, always coming out on top in both the theory and practical exams, Leo second."

At the mention of Leo's name Eli felt his eye twitch with irritation, knowing very well he was not going to get along with Leo at all.

The bell rang, and Sli had a three hour Evocation class, sadly Javier has Necromancy along with Ethan, but Elana being a bimage of Evocation as well had the same class as Eli.

They both made their way to the class, Elana making small talk, asking about Eli's life. His answers were short as he himself didn't know the answers to some of those questions.

They entered the class and sat together in the back. The teacher walked in, a woman, looking as if she's in her 40s, her brunette hair having a few grey streaks tied back into a clean bun, her eyes a chocolate brown. Dressed formally, a black skirt and a white blouse finished with a black jacket.

"Good evening class, we'll be having a practical class today, follow me outside to the training field." She said, and then teleported, the students groaned, but begin teleporting one by one, leaving Eli and Elana standing.

"Let's go Eli, you don't want to get on Ms. Ileana's bad side." She said clasping his hand and teleporting them both to the field.

"How did you know I couldn-"

"I'm a diviner as well Eli, you should really learn how to quickly, it's something we do a lot here." He nodded, appreciating her help.

"Now, I hope you haven't been slacking over the summer. Mr. King and Mr. Jones, show us just what you've accomplished this summer."

Eli wasn't even shocked, apparently all these teachers had it out for him. He walked up to the front of the class and a boy, shorter than him, about 5'5 walks out, his hands fiddling with his buttons, the anxiety just rolling off him in waves. His amber eyes hidden underneath a big pair of glasses glancing around quickly and his feet trembling.

"Mr. Jones, Eli is a new addition to the class, pace yourself and do not hurt the young man too badly. You'll be sparing, first to land three clean hits win."

Eli breathed a sigh of relief, thinking this is something he could do, he looked over to the boy even more anxious than he is, and wondered just how he could hurt him.

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