Chapter 21- Aurum

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"What are you gonna name him?" Javier asked over the dinner, the others had already left a little earlier.

Eli thought about those golden eyes, and there was only one name that came to mind.


"That's a pretty nice name. Aurum is latin for gold no?"

"Yea, he-" Eli was interrupted by the sound of something breaking coming from his room. It would seem as if the boy had woken from his slumber. Walking quickly to his room, he saw the boy standing over the lamp that was on his nightstand, looking down at the broken pieces.

Eli quickly walked over and picked him up, not wanting him to cut himself. Going to put the boy down, he realized that the boy had wrapped his arms and legs around him, his head in his neck inhaling deeply.


Eli's eyes widen as he looked at Javier who wore a similar expression. Javier went to enter the room to clean up the mess but the boy shot down and bared his fangs at Javier who shuffled back quickly.

"What's he doing?"

"I think he's protecting his territory... would make sense dragons don't like trespassers." The boy went back to Eli now that Javier was out of the room, hugging his waist, his head resting on his side as he glared at Javier.

"Seems I'm not welcome, you're gonna have to deal with him alone for a bit." Javier said and quickly excused himself, not wanting to become fodder for the dragon.

"Aurum." The dragon looked up at Eli, a questioning look on his face.

"Your name, it's Aurum." The dragon only blinks, staring up at Eli with his big golden eyes looking absolutely clueless.

"Can you speak?" He tilted his head, still just looking up at Eli.

"Dad." He smiled brightly up at Eli who blushed and turned his head away. It seemed the boy only knew one word, Eli would have to teach him how to speak.

Making his way outside, with Aurum trailing right behind him, playing with the lose thread on his shirt. Javier was sitting on the couch, reading some manga intently.

"Are you hungry Aurum?"

Still no answer, Eli sighed, but shared out a bowl of chicken stir fry and rice for him anyways, wondering a bit to himself if dragons ate chicken or rice.

When he set the food in front of the boy, the boy's eyes glanced down from Eli and he looked at the food, his stomach rumbling. He forgoed the utensils by the plate and used his hands to feed himself.

"Somebody was hungry." Javier said looking up from his manga at the boy shoveling food into his mouth.

"He can't talk well yet."

"He's basically an overgrown baby Eli, ofcourse he can't talk yet, I'm surprised he can walk."

Eli sighed and leaned on the island looking down at the boy with a smile. The boy finished the bowl and looked up at Eli, his big golden eyes already conveying what he wants.

"You want more?"

"M-more?" Eli smiled brightly at that and prepared seconds, however he prepared another bowl for himself. He sat beside the boy and placed the plate in front of him. Before he let him dig in, he gained his attention and showed him how to use a fork.

Aurum blinked and took up the fork, grasping it completely in his hand as he tried to take up some rice but it kept falling, frustrated he threw the fork away and opted to use his hands.

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