Chapter 23- Confrontation

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Eli groaned and stretched out in his bed feeling his muscles tightened until his legs began to spasm. Aurum was curled up on him in a fetal position his red locks splayed across the sheets. Eli smiled at him brushing the hair from his face and planted a kiss on his little button nose.

Eli got up and went to take a shower to prepare himself for the upcoming school day. He showered quickly and brushed his teeth before going and putting on his uniform. At that point Aurum was sitting up, his golden eyes trained on Eli putting on his blazer while sitting up in the bed.

Are you leaving me again?

The thought echoed into Eli's mind making him look at the boy who was watching him. It wasn't so much as that he heard words themselves but more feelings that convey meaning.

"No, I don't think we'll be apart anytime soon."

He felt happiness swell up in his chest and knew that his response must've pleased the dragon. He stretched out his arm, coaxing Aurum to return to him and he did, his body glowing before transferring itself into the mark on his arm.

He made his way outside and saw Javier already eating breakfast, fully dressed and prepared for another day of school. He walked up to the island and sat across from him, sharing his portion of the food from the dishes infront of him.


"Mhm." Javier mumbled in response not being able to look Eli in the eye after the intimacy that they shared last night while knowingly lying to him.

"Something wrong?"

"No I... I have to tell you something today." Eli cocked his head to the side curiously at that.

"Umm fine then."

"We have to go now, I'll talk to you later." Javier said, still avoiding eye contact with Eli and he went out the door first.

Eli started wondering if last night had been a mistake, if he had done something wrong and if maybe Javier didn't like him like how he had first thought.

He made his way outside, doubt clouding his mind and making him feel very uncomfortable and on edge. He started his cycle of self deprecation and began insulting himself for being such an idiot for thinking he had a chance.

The first three classes went by pretty quickly as Eli was so distracted as to what he did wrong last night, continuously overthinking and not paying attention in the classes. The lunch bell rang and he flew up out his seat in Transmutation and went straight to get some food to eat his stress away.

He arrived at the dining hall and collected his food and quickly went to sit at the table where the twins and Akria were already seated.

"Hey guys."

"Who kicked your dragon?"

"I'm fine." He started to dig into his food while the group just watched him not believing that for a second.

"Does this have anything to do with why Javier is avoided the hall like the plague?"

Eli looked up at Elana, his eyes growing wide. "He did what?"

"Yea, some excuse about not being hungry."

Eli felt his fears double at that, and his mind went into panic mode once again before a feeling of calm washed over him.

Aurum. Eli thought with a sigh of relief.

He exhaled deeply and focused on that feeling of calm being provided by Aurum.

"He said he had something to tell me."

"And that's why you're eating like that?"

"Mhm, I'm just nervous." Elana looked at Eli closely, the way he averted his eyes and the shy tone he's speaking in.

"Did something happen between you two?"

Eli nodded a yes and Elana smiled at that.

"I doubt you have anything to worry about, Javier has never shown interest in anyone so I doubt that it's anything bad."

"True, he doesn't seem like the smash and dash type of person to me." Akira said her finger tapping her chin as she gazed upwards to the ceiling

"We didn't-"

"I figured." Akira cut him off with a laugh, teasing him about how flustered he's getting. Eli groaned and finished up his food quickly, saying by to the group and went to go find Javier.

He walked out the dining hall, entering the corridors. He walked around aimlessly not really sure where Javier could've gone, he approached the garden and saw Mr. Donia sitting on the floor eating, a nine coloured butterfly perched on his shoulder.

Eli stared at how at peace the teacher looked before deciding to ruin it. He walked over and planted himself beside the teacher and the butterfly instantly flies away.

Taking in a deep breath, his heart palpitating rapidly abusing his ribs, he glanced at the teacher meeting his curious gaze head-on.

"Did you do something with my memories." Eli asked, already knowing the answer but just needing that verbal confirmation to allow himself to take the lid off his boiling emotions.


Eli looked at Mr. Donia feeling as if the rug had been pulled out from under his feet. Rage bubbled up in his body and prompted him to raise his voice.

"Undo it!"

"No." And instantly Eli threw a punch sending the teacher to the floor, his rage still a blazing hot fire in the pit of his stomach.


"No, even if I could, I wouldn't."

"Wait- if you didn't then who-" And it instantly hit Eli, the only other person he had contact with when he woke up was Javier, he was in the infirmary when he woke up. Mr. Donia had said that he was coming to check on his new roommate, which was sweet and all but he could've waited. The disappearing and avoiding Eli, it all added up.

Even more rage boiled Eli's blood and now he headed out searching for Javier. Feeling absolutely betrayed by both the persons who he trusted to help him guide and navigate this new world had been the very ones that stole his old one from him.

Eli set off to go find Javier while Mr. Donia sat there wondering if perhaps he shouldn't have hinted at that. He got up, his appetite now lost and rubbed the spot on his cheek that Eli hit.

He went to find Tatiana at her first year classes right now. He stuck his head in and signaled for her to come outside and she told her class to excuse her for one moment.

"What happened to your face?"


"So he knows now?"

"Yes. Did you find anything on Spear?"

"Well... I've tailed him a bit and he doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary other than that he talks on his phone a lot."

"Did you overhear anything useful?"

"No, didn't get close enough."

"Keep trailing him, he's up to something I can feel it."

"Fine, I will, but what do you plan to do about this whole Eli situation?"

"There's nothing to do, I made my choice, I did what was best for him at the time, I saved him a lot of unnecessary pain, sadly I couldn't protect him longer."

Tatiana looked at his face, his hair fell a bit over his eyes and his eyebrows were pinched together. She knew that he doubted that, but she also thought she knew why he did what he did and understood that he wasn't perfect and makes mistakes, even if he hadn't realised that yet.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang