Extra #2- Union

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Seven months had passed since the two men had joined, emotionally and physically. It became apparent the morning after that they were also bonded magically as well.

Eli had awoken to find a new tattoo on his chest and to say he freaked out was an understatement.

A triskel tattoo had formed over his left breast, the three swirls all connect to the triangle at the center.

It took about an hour for Javier to explain it to him fully that it was his family's symbol and how, simply put, they were married.

Javier hadn't anticipated forming a bond with Eli the very first night they had sex. The bond normally formed after repeated attempts once both parties held a certain amount of love for each other or through an arrangement ceremony.

The bond was no where as strong as the one Zeke and Ethan held but it did join both souls and compounded the love they already felt for each other.

Now Eli stood in the bathroom checking his tie for the umpteenth time, feeling a bit downcast despite the plans they had for today.

Akira had left four months ago to Ravinia, yet another important person in Eli's life had gone. Six months with no contact from Mr. Donia, and while he could speak to Elana and Akira over the phone it just wasn't the same.

"Your tie is fine."

"It's not, it's crooked and every time I try to straighten it, it just gets worse and-" Eli said exasperated with the whole thing. He didn't want anything big or flashy but atleast would've wanted his father-figure to be there.

He didn't have any family with him. His mother didn't live to see her son in his wedding suit, she would never meet his husband or his future children and it hurt him so much.

"Calm down. You're just nervous." Ethan walked over to him, adjusting his tie before patting him on the shoulder. "You look nice, go get married."

"Thanks, I really appreciate you being here." Eli said, receiving a grunt in response.

Eli and Ethan had grown a bit closer, perhaps due to the little trip they had taken together or the fact that they shared most of their recent losses.

"He's waiting for you." Eli nodded, his heart rate picking up speed at the thought of his husband to be.

It was Eli that had convinced Javier to get married officially. They had already been bonded and had no thoughts of ever separating despite both of them being 19.

He wanted a 'normal' wedding, from his culture. He prayed that his mother was watching over him and could see this day. It wouldn't be anything extravagant nor would it have a lot of attendees but it was just what he wanted.

He opened the door to the local community hall. It was sparsely decorated, as such was his wish. It was small, and would accommodate the few in attendance.

Aurum who had grown in about a foot in height smiled at his father, as he stood beside Javier who looked dashing in a light blue shirt that was encased in a navy blue jacket with white slacks. The blues not only made Javier's eyes appear to almost twinkle but were chosen as they were Eli's favorite colour.

Aurum had opted for wearing black slacks and shirt with a blood red jacket with black stripes, which made his long red hair seem to almost disappear into the stripped fabric.

Eli walked forward, the officiator was already standing by the alter. A friend of Javier's family that Eli had to teach the entire ceremony. As he walked, his black dress boots clicked on the floor, echoing across the building. His nerves had bubbled up in his chest against his sleek black tux.

Ethan had been walking behind him, Zeke to his right both in tuxedos as well, and their presence was enough to allow Eli calm down a degree. He was overjoyed atleast Zeke was here for his wedding, that was what made the entire thing bareable despite him not having his memories.

There were only six people in the hall. A bit less than Eli had wanted but it was okay, he was just happy to be taking this step with the man he loved.

"Vows?" The man who he had come to know as Iraxeor questioned, his voice trembling a bit from what seemed to be nerves.

The thought made Eli smile slightly. Perhaps it was the one week of practicing or he was just an anxious man.

Eli looked straight to Javier, staring deep in his eyes. He had prepared a vow but it was long forgotten now but he had a general idea of what he wished to convey.

"You were the first person I met when I woke up in this new world. Well, technically no but that's not the point." Javier grinned at that, even a blind man could see the pure love that radiated from him.

"You were a clean slate I guess, you were an opportunity. If you weren't there when I'd woken up I have a feeling things would've turned out quite differently. God, you were just perfect. I know we've had our differences and all, but look at us now, standing together at an altar to profess our love to each other." Tears had begun forming in both their eyes, but Javier was the first to crack and had to wipe away the tear quickly with a small chuckle.

"So, from today onwards I vow to be the one who grounds you, to keep you close, to hold and love you, to never let you go, to engrave my very being against yours, to shroud myself in your essence, to be your night, to love you and to be loved by you, to be your lover." At this point they were both crying, with Aurum standing to the side holding the bearer pillow smiling at the both of them.

"I'm not sure how I'll top that, but I do have a couple things to vow to you as well Elijah King." Their hands had found their way to each other, both of them desperately grasping at the other to keep each other grounded.

"I vow to be yours, and only yours. To be the one you turn to in times of crisis, to have my first thought in the mornings be you and the last before we sleep to be the same. I vow to be your light, your sky, to guide you and offer a hand even when you yourself don't even realize that you're struggling. I vow to be your family, forever, to love you even in death, to give you a sense of stability and to remain faithful and loyal only to you. I vow to love you and all that comes with it. I love you, Eli."

"Any objections to this union? Speak now or forever hold your peace." The officiator was met with silence and as such, he called for the exchange of the "rings."

Aurum stepped up between them, the necklaces between resting on the pillow, allowing Javier to retrieve the yang necklace and Eli the other before each lover slowly crowned the other with the necklaces that had undoubtedly been the foundation of their relationship.

"You may now kiss your partner."

Eli wasted no time capturing Javier's soft lips in a gentle kiss which was reciprocated instantly. The world faded away into the background, the only sound the blood rushing to their ears as they connected as one.

They were now joined in a union, ready to take on the world together. Their love would know no bounds, for as Javier himself had said, he would love Eli even in death and Eli didn't doubt him for a second.

He hoped his mother was happy.

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