chapter fourteen

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jay's head perked up at the sound of the doorbell, quickly putting away some of his things before rushing downstairs.

the young boy made his way to the door, briefly glancing at the mirror and checking his appearance before he stepped forward, turning the handle.

"hey," heeseung said, a soft smile on his face as he looked at jay.

"hi," jay breathed out. the younger couldn't pinpoint what is was, but there was something different about this hangout. almost like it was a date. the younger shook his head before looking up at heeseung.

"ready to go?" the older asked.


the brunette checked his pockets, making sure he didn't forget anything, before he stepped toward heeseung and closed his door.

jay sat in the passenger seat, bobbing his knee up and down in excitement. truth be told, he loved amusement parks. the older just smiled at the boy's antics, letting out a soft chuckle.

the older hoped today would help jay forget all his worries. it was hard for heeseung to miss the dark eye bags jay had. when it came to the younger, heeseung noticed everything. so when they arrived at their destination, the older promised himself that he would make sure jay had a good time.

"what do you want to do first?" the taller turned to his side, looking at the younger who seemed to not be paying attention and was staring at all the rides in awe. a smile bloomed on heeseung's face as he quietly chuckled, lightly reaching out to grasp jay's hand.

"love?" heeseung called out.

jay didn't respond and instead tugged on the hand he was holding, pulling the older toward one of the rides.

"come on, hee." the younger didn't even glance at heeseung, his eyes set on the tall rollercoaster.

"wait, jay, hold on." heeseung slightly stumbled as the brunette continued to pull him towards the ride, not slowing down.


"i'm exhausted," jay huffed out.

the sun had started setting as the two sat down on a vacant bench. it was quiet for a second, the air around them serene.

"are you...," the words died down in the older's throat as his eyes swept over jay's side profile. what did he do in his past life to meet someone like park jay? he was truly ethereal. a soft smile graced heeseung's face as his eyes traced over the younger's features.

"heeseung?" jay's voice snapped heeseung out of his daze.

"oh, sorry. do you want to eat something?" heeseung's heart raced as he stared at jay. he was truly, utterly infatuated with this boy.

"um," the brunette paused, deep in thought. it was like a lightbulb had just flashed when jay's head snapped up, eyes sparkling, "what about cotton candy?"

heeseung let out a fond chuckle, ruffling jay's hair, "okay, let's go get some cotton candy."

the two were quietly waiting in line, holding hands as jay habitually played with the ring adorning heeseung's finger.

"you used to wear so many rings," jay pointed out, curiosity had gotten the better of him when he asked, "how come you only wear this one now?" the younger lifted heeseung's hand, brows scrunched as he pointed at the piece of jewelry.

"it's pointless to wear other rings," heeseung said as they moved forward in line.

jay frowned as he took a large step so that he could keep up with heeseung, "wait, i'm still confused." what was that even supposed to mean?

"what i mean is," the older turned to jay, leaning in, lips brushing the younger's ear as he spoke quietly, "i only like this ring now."

heeseung stepped back, a smile on his face as he turned to order jay's cotton candy. jay's feet were rooted to the ground, face flushed.

lee heeseung will be the death of me.

the younger shook his head before calling out to heeseung who was already walking away, "hey, wait up!"

the two had been walking for awhile when heeseung spoke up,"it's getting late," the older said, looking at the sky before turning to jay, "let's go on one more ride and then go home."

"okay," jay looked up at heeseung, a smile on his face, "let's go on the ferris wheel."

the older only nodded in response, quickly throwing away the empty cotton candy bag before letting jay clasp onto his wrist and drag him to wherever the ferris wheel was.

the two were standing in line, patiently waiting. jay had been aimlessly looking around, bouncing on his feet and rubbing his arms trying to get warm when he felt a weight drop on his shoulders.

jay froze, it was like deja vu to that night at the park.

when heeseung went to throw away the empty carton of ice cream, jay brought his legs up, bending his knees so that he can wrap his arms around his legs. it was a bad idea not to wear a  hoodie. as jay rubbed his arm, trying to get warm, he felt a weight drop down on his head.

jay looked up in confusion, catching the soft hoodie that fell as he tilted his head.

"it's ok, i don't need it."

"i know you get cold easily, just wear it."

there was a quiet that fell over the two as jay looked up at heeseung.

"you get cold easily," the older shrugged before slipping his hand into jay's leading him into one of the cabins.

heeseung let go of jay's hand as he sat down, the younger moving to sit on the opposite side of the older. the two were sitting in a comfortable silence, staring at the scenery as jay rested his knee against heeseung's.

it had been a couple of minutes and the two were finally about to reach the top. heeseung turned to jay, opening his mouth to say something, but the words never left his lips, dying down in his throat as he stared at the younger.

all the city lights flashing in the distance seemed dull compared to the boy infront of him. heeseung's heart beat loudly in his chest as he watched jay, everything he did left heeseung feeling enamored.

every time the younger walked into a room heeseung couldn't help but smile. the older didn't know how to describe it but when he was with jay but he felt comfortable to be himself, he felt at home.

the brunette turned his head away from the scenery to heeseung, about to tell him that they had finally reached the top when he paused, surprised to see the older already staring at him.

at that moment heeseung made up his mind. it was like time slowed down as the older stared into jay's eyes with all of the love in the world, his voice almost echoing in the quiet cabin when he spoke.

"i like you."

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