chapter seventeen

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"are you sure you have everything?" heeseung's voice rang clearly through the room as jay glanced up from the floor beside his suitcase.

"yes, i'm sure," jay sighed, glancing at his phone situated on his desk, watching the older boy move around his house.

"what? i'm just checking," heeseung playfully rolled his eyes, looking briefly at his own phone set on his kitchen counter before going back to making his cup of coffee.

it was silent for a few minutes as jay mentally checked off all the things he needed, pausing when he heard heeseung close his door, keys jingling through the phone as he started his car.

"hey hee," jay called out, only continuing when he heard a hum of acknowledgment come from the older, "you're coming to pick me up right?"

"yeah," heeseung furrowed his brows, wondering if their plans had changed.

last night when heeseung was walking the younger home, they had planned he would pick up jay since his driver had the day off. it would work for the both of them anyway since jay's house was on the way to school for heeseung.

"well," jay hesitated, looking up from his spot on the floor, a smile on his face as he looked at the boy on his phone.

heeseung let out a small sigh, jay didn't have to continue, he already knew what the younger was trying to say.

"fine," heeseung said, briefly glancing at his phone as he pulled out of the parking garage, "i'll stop by that bakery and grab a muffin."

jay let out a wide smile, standing up as he reached for his phone, "thanks hee."

"anytime love," heeseung didn't take his eyes off the road as he spoke, only letting a small smile bloom on his face.

the two stayed on facetime for a while, jay was just mindlessly packing his toiletries as he heard heeseung call his name through the phone.

"do you want anything else?" heeseung asked, briefly running a hand through his hair.

"no," jay responded, "just the muffin please."

"alright," heeseung parked his car, walking into the bakery, immediately making his way to the cashier.

jay was quiet, listening as heeseung ordered his muffin. after a few minutes, the brunette's features lit up upon seeing a small brown bag being handed to heeseung, hearing the older boy mutter a low thank you as he left the store.

"all the guys are going, right?" jay jumped onto his bed, rolling on his side, phone in hand as heard the boy start his car.

"yeah, well except for the kids" heeseung responded quietly, focusing on driving.

the two were in a comfortable silence, jay's eyes trailed heeseung's figure, watching as the older boy made a turn, one hand on the wheel the other resting on the console.

"are you almost here?" jay questioned, laying on his back glancing aimlessly around his room.

"why?" heeseung turned to his phone, "miss me?" a playful smile graced the older boy's lips as he redirected his gaze to the road.

jay let out a quiet scoff, but it was clearly audible through the phone, "i just want my muffin."

heeseung frowned, a smug look on his face as he responded, "it's my muffin now."

jay sat up in shock, jaw dropped as he stared at the older boy on his screen, "you wouldn't dare," jay squinted his.

heeseung didn't respond, letting out a soft chuckle instead before saying, "i'm here."


"hey, i said i could do it myself!" jay shouted trailing heeseung from behind, watching as the older boy carried his luggage down the stairs.

"just eat your muffin, love," heeseung chuckled, carrying the bag with ease.

"whatever," jay huffed, taking a generous bite of his muffin.

the two walked through the door, jay making sure the door was locked before he followed heeseung to the car.

once the two were situated in heeseung's black mercedes, jay perked up, a question coming to his mind.

"hey, you're kind of in charge of this field trip, right?" jay turned in his seat, looking at heeseung.

"yeah i am," heeseung nodded, only briefly glancing at jay, "why?"

"well i was just wondering," jay slightly faltered, fiddling with the material of his jeans, "if you know who my roommate is."

"it's me," heeseung said nonchalantly. "i got to choose who i wanted, so i picked you."

jay quietly sat in his seat, cheeks flushed as he let it sink in, "so, this means i have free access to your hoodies then, awesome!"

heeseung groaned, biting back a smile as he turned away from the younger, "i knew i should've packed more."

jay perked up at the sight of the school. he was excited about this trip. he was practically bouncing in his seat when heeseung reversed into a parking spot, his arm behind jay's heardrest.

the two made their way out of the car, heeseung immediately going to open the trunk and grab their suitcases.

"are you sitting with me on the bus?" heeseung locked his car, slipping the keys into his pocket as he walked toward the line of buses.

jay eyed the buses before turning to the older, somebody's parents definitely funded this trip.

"oh, um sunoo wanted to sit with me and catch up but-," heeseung swiftly cut jay off, letting him know it was fine.

"don't worry," the older gave jay a smile, "i'll sit with one of the others."

heeseung turned to the younger, brows raised in question, "do you know which bus the boys are on?"

"no, i'll ask the group chat." jay reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone and immediately going to the messages app.

heeseung is whipped💀

can't believe y'all are going on
a field trip without me

i feel betrayed

calm down
it's literally a school trip

don't worry guys
it probably won't be that fun anyways

which bus are y'all on?

first one

heeseung looked up from his phone, walking to the first bus, luggages in hand. upon reaching their destination jay stood behind heeseung, watching as he stored the luggages, silently waiting for the older boy.

heeseung closed the small luggage compartment, turning to the younger who was patiently standing behind him.

"ready?" heeseung called out, looking over at the brunette.

"yup," jay said smile on his face, as he happily walked towards the entrance of the bus.

the two stepped onto the bus, jay's eyes immediately finding sunoo who was waving his arm's frantically gesturing for jay to sit beside him.

"okay," jay said, looking up at heeseung with a smile on his face, "well i gotta go."

"okay," heeseung replied softly, "call me if i need to rescue you or anything."

jay just chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes as he made his way over to an eager sunoo.

"jay," sunoo squealed, "you won't believe what i just heard!"

the brunette just raised his brows, silently asking for sunoo to continue, eyes catching heeseung's who moved to sit by jake.

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