chapter eighteen

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the sun was high in the air when jay stepped off the bus, waving to sunoo who had gone off to go greet some friends. the boy let out a small sigh as he stretched, not noticing how his shirt moved up at his actions.

"careful," jay paused, hands midair as he felt someone tug on the front of his shirt, making sure it covered his stomach. the brunette's cheeks flushed as the older boy flashed him a smile.

"hi," jay breathed, letting his arms fall to his side, slightly tilting his head up at the boy in front of him.

"hello, love," heeseung replied, letting go of jay's shirt and instead moved his hand to rest on the boy's waist. "how was the bus ride?"

"it was fun," jay said, reaching out to fiddle with heeseung's fingers, a faint frown appearing on his face as he quietly mumbled to the older, "sunoo told me some things."

heeseung silently watched as jay played with his fingers, brows furrowing in worry, "everything okay?"

the younger boy pursed his lips, looking at the many people around them before turning to heeseung, "let's talk about it later."

"alright," heeseung glanced down at jay, the worry not leaving his face as the two started walking toward the luggage compartments, "are you tired?"

"not really," the brunette shrugged his shoulders in response, staying at the edge of the crowd as heeseung moved to grab their bags.

the older swiftly weaved his way through the throngs of students crowding the area, quickly retrieving his and jay's bags and making his way back to the younger boy.

the two boy's made their way to the common area in a comfortable silence, both admiring the scenery around them. it was definitely a good change from the city they're used to seeing.

"yo heeseung!" jake shouted from across the room as soon as he saw the two boys enter, trying to the get their attention.

a small smile spread on jay's face as the two made their way to the table their friends currently occupied.

"hi," jay said, moving to sit on one of the vacant seats, heeseung immediately taking the seat next to the boy.

"hi," jake waved excitedly at the two and jay couldn't tell if it was just his normal puppy like attitude or if it was because he was excited to go on this field trip.

before jay could think about it any further sunghoon greeted the boys, "hey guys," he said, raising his eyebrows as he watched sunoo come out of nowhere and plop down on one of the seats.

the youngest had sat down at the table for a good few seconds, eyeing the boys around him when he let out a sigh, burying his head in his hands, "i'm gonna be a fifth wheel."

heeseung just let out a small chuckle, rolling his eyes as he rested his hand on jay's leg. there was a faint tint that spread across latter's cheeks as he moved to rest his hand on top of heeseung's, a bashful smile spreading across his face.

meanwhile, jake and sunghoon were at a loss for words, avoiding eye contact. they were too oblivious for their own good.

unfortunately, before either of the boys could come up with something to counteract sunoo's statement, mrs. kim, who was in charge of everything, spoke up.

"okay guys, quiet down," the teacher stood at the front of the common room, a smile on her face as she glanced across the room. "we have nothing scheduled for today so settle in and explore the camp grounds. there's a list on the bulletin board over there, it has your name along with your roommate's. come to me to get the key to your cabin or if you have any questions."

after mrs. kim's short speech, everyone rushed to the side of the cafeteria, crowding around the small bulletin board, trying to figure out who their roommate was.

thankfully heeseung and jay didn't need to bother with that. the two stood from their seats, quickly saying bye to their friends before going straight to mrs. kim to get their room key.

"heeseung and jay," mrs. kim mumbled to herself upon noticing their arrival, eyes immediately scanning a long list at her side. "you guys are in cabin two," the lady looked up through her glasses, handing the the boys two keys, a bright smile on her face, "have fun!"

"thank you," heeseung responded, lightly taking the keys from the the teacher's hand.

the walk to their cabin was short and spent in silence. heeseung would glance at the younger in worry every now and then, but he didn't say a word, knowing that jay didn't want to talk about it right now.

the older inserted the key into the lock, opening the door, letting jay enter the cabin first before he followed him.

the room was spacious, two beds on each side and in between them was a small dresser, further down was the bathroom that had the same woody interior as the rest of the cabin.

jay flopped onto his bed, letting out a frustrated sigh when the sound of his phone going off interrupted the quiet.


what cabin are you in?
who's your roommate?
let's go explore
sunoo already said ok

i'm in cabin 2
heeseung is my roommate

"hey hee," jay called out, turning to heeseung who was on his bed, mindlessly swiping through his phone, "the guys want to explore. do you want to go too?"

"sure," heeseung replied, pocketing his phone as he stood up.


dude heeseung is your roommate

ok so when are going to explore?


jay looked up in confusion when a loud knock resounded through the room. heeseung, who was closer, unlocked the door.

"are y'all ready?" jake was almost bouncing in excitement, at least somebody was enjoying this field trip.

heeseung turned to jay, raising a brow, only replying when the younger gave him a small nod, "yeah, jay just has to put on his shoes real quick."

"how did you get here so fast?" jay stood from his bed, shooting the boy a quizzical look as he went to put on his shoes.

"i'm in cabin 3, right next door," jake replied, moving to sit on heeseung's bed. "plus my roommate brought a friend over so i was already out when i was texting you."

"oh, who's your roommate jake?" jay briefly glanced at the boy before he turned back to his shoe, focusing on tying the laces.

"his name is sungchan. i think he's in our dance class."

jay paused, glancing at heeseung for a mere second. the older shot him a worried glance, apparently jay would be getting a lot of those today. the younger just shook his head, diverting his attention away from heeseung and back to his shoelaces.

"okay, i'm ready." jay stood up from his bed, twisting the ring on his finger as he moved to stand beside heeseung.

"okay." jake had an eager smile on his face as he opened the cabin door. the boy quickly exited the room, turning in his spot, admiring the trees around them.

the puppy like boy turned to heeseung and jay who were still bye the doorway, "come on guys," jake's voice took on an exasperated tone, "we still have to pick up sunoo and sunghoon."

heeseung rolled his eyes at the boy's antics, "we're coming, calm down." the older laced his fingers through jay's, pulling the brunette along, leaning down to quietly whisper,"let's go before jake actually gets mad."

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