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Over the next week you settled into the class well enough, you were starting to gain more trust from your peers. Kirishima was giving you undivided attention, Denki was flirting with you non-stop, you got closer with the girls in your class and the teachers were giving you more trust as a student.

 Aizawa announced that the class of 1A (except you), had a new topic. Hero Internships. Since you went here for the sports festival, you didn't have anything to do for it. While everyone else was talking about what internship they would take, you sat at your desk staring at the board with nothing to do. You couldn't feel more like a black sheep.

 You just tapped your pen on the table and looked around at the excited students and there papers. It was slightly embarrassing. You took this time to examine your surrounding so you would have something to report on when the next call came.

Shoto Todoroki. Half hot hlaf cold quirk, is the son of pro-hero Endeavour, not very talkative and is quite a cold person.

Katsuki Bakugo. A quirk of which allows him to create explosions, has a personality which is similar.  

Izuku Midoriya. Didn't develop his quirk until recently, spends most of his time with All Might. The kind of person to apologise when he bumps into furniture.

Speaking of All Might-

"I AM HERE" All Might suddenly came through the doors with his signature smile. "I AM HERE TO COLLET YOUNG L/N!"

He looked to you and you stood up and walked outside. He was too happy to say he found out what you were really planning so everything was fine with you. He took you to the glass that was covering the sides, front and back of UA.

"Young L/n, I have come to talk to you about the hero internships" All Might said, his voice got quieter but it was still loud. "The principle was allowed me to take you on as my intern"

All Might smiled brightly to you and you swear your eyes twitch.

"I'm sorry, what?" You say, trying to comprehend what was going on and trying to act nice.

"I'm taking you in as my intern! Are you excited or what?!" All Might smiled brightly.

"Oh, I'm so excited" You say sarcastically.

"Wonderful! You can head back to class now! Don't be late!" All Might then took off own the hall, you were surprised Iida didn't come out to say 'no running in the halls'.

This is just great. Wait till the villains hear about this.


You and Katsuki were currently fighting over how spicy the school food should be. Katsuki thought it needed to be spicier and you thought it was perfectly fine.

"It tastes plain!" Katsuki yelled.

"Its fine!" You yelled back. 

"You and your dull ass taste buds can kiss my ass you damn extra!" Katsuki yelled back at you.

Kirishima and Denki were admiring the view from afar. How the hell were you not dead yet? Denki was on the floor laughing, but Kirishima was slightly worried if you were going to not die today.

"Shut up you dammed Pomeranian!" You yelled back.

"Toph-ass having quirk!" Katsuki yelled back. Who the hell was Toph?

"Bakubagel Thotsuki!" You yelled back, it was like Russian roulette.


"Boom Boom Boi!"

𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦 | K. Bakugo x Reader | My Hero Academia |Where stories live. Discover now