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"Yes we are! And the name's Keiko!" The orange haired girl yelled at you, flipping you off.

Before either of you could attack each other, a strong force of wind blew the two of you back. You had to hang on the the ground in order to stay put. When the dust cloud cleared, all you could see before you was the withered All Might.

"All Might!" You yelled out.

"Y/n?! What are you still doing here?! Get out of here!" He yelled, to you.

"Ah, the troubled y/n l/n. Still here, are we?" All For One said. "Wouldn't it be nice if I brought you back where you belong?"

"If you can catch me first!" You created a large pole and struck Keiko with, knocking her out. Why didn't I do that in the first place?!

Following All Might's orders, you began to run out of there. All Might stopped the attacks heading in your direction. I'm sorry, All Might. You knew you should stay and help fight, but you were only lowering All Might's pride and chance of winning.

You had no clue where you where. You just kept running until you saw people. You walked with the crowd, looking in all directions for a sign of someone. For a sign of Katsuki.

You knew that were would be making him feel weak when you worried about him, but you couldn't help it. You weren't going to sit quietly when your first friend, and lover were kidnapped. You wanted to hug him, kiss him better, make sure he was okay.
But how are you meant to do that when you have no idea where he is?

For the first time in a while, you were scared for something other than yourself. You know how selfish that sounds, but you grew up in fear. You grew up in a cold, dark place with no love. Fear was a daily thing, waking up without hearing a scream or screaming would be lucky.

The crowd pushed and shoved against you, everyone trying to get away, not caring about other people. A mother holding her son, was being shoved away from the crowd and was now trapped in the corner of a gate. A small child was crying, not knowing where his mother was. Two teenagers held each others hand, fighting not to lose sight or touch of one another. A man was bending over on the ground, protecting a person from getting stepped on. It was brutal.
You tried helping as best you can without getting trampled on, but nothing you did helped that much.

Soon people from nearby began cheering on All Might in front of a large screen. A certain cry of Kirishima made you whipped your head to the left, looking for him. Iida yelled after him, then Midoriya.

You headed in the direction of their voices. You soon found the back of the red head and ran up to him, gripping on to his shoulder and going to his side.

"Y/n!" He said, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you into what he said was a 'manly bro hug'. "Are you okay? Your arm..."

"I'm fine, where is Katsuki?" You ask, blocking his arm from your view.

"He's over there." Kirishima pointed to Katsuki. "But y/n, your inj-"

You walked straight over to Katsuki and held him in a tight hug. At first he was surprised to why someone was hugging him and he was about to blow your head off, but when he saw it was you, he slowly hugged you back.

"Your okay, right?" You ask him, hugging tighter.

"I'm fine..." He mutters.

You hold him in your embrace for a while longer before letting go and looking into his eyes. You've been wanting to ask him a question for a while, now was your chance.

"Why did you have to push me back?"

He didn't answer you, instead he looked back up to the screen that held All Might fighting All For One. People started to cheer him on, crying and weeping. Everyone was yelling at him to win and fight on. Midoriya was crying, as he was most of the time.

With one punch down, the villain barley moved back. With the second punch the villain faltered back to the ground, out cold. Breaking out in louder cheers everyone clapped for All Might.

Midoriya was balling his eyes out by now, Kirishima looked like a proud father. Katsuki did give Midoriya a glare-like look.

As Iida made a plan to meet back with Todoroki and Momo, All Might pointed to the camera thst was focusing on him.

"Now..." He said, making everyone silent. "It's your turn..."

Cheers began again, everyone smiling and clapping yet again. Midoriya started to cry even more, if that was possible.

You looked at him with pity, guessing it had something to do with 'his' quirk. You couldnt understand what, but you atleast knew that the message was for Midoriya.

As Iida, Kirishima, you and Midoriya walked Katsuki back to the police for him to answer questions.
The entire time, Katsuki didnt mutter a word. Nobody did really. Kirishima knew that what Katsuki needed right now was space and time. Iida didnt want to push his classmate to talk about something he didnt want to talk about and you think that Midoriya was too scared to talk to Katsuki.

Only when you had to leave Katsuki was when you spoke to him. You pulled him into a hug which he slowly took.

"I'm glad your okay." You said to him before he left.

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