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"Hello. Kamino pizza delivery."

All Might then blew down the wall, letting  Kamui Woods in and trapped everyone. You used your quirk to conceal the orange hair girl so she couldn't use her quirk.

"There is no escape for you villains! Why you ask? Because I am here!" All Might said, you rush straight past him and run to Katsuki.

"Katsuki!" You yell out his name.

His head perks up at the sound of his name and your voice. Before he sees you, you are already wrapping a hug around him. You gave multiple kisses that were hidden to his shoulder, arm, hand and cheek.

"Did you miss me?" He smirked.

"No." You lied, tightening the hug.

There was a small little conversation, but you didn't care for it. You probably should've. Because right now, you were coughing up this strange black goop. Katsuki was doing the same.

"Bakugo! Y/n!" All Might ran for you two, but he didn't make it in time.

You fell to the floor harshly, surrounded by the black gloop. You gagged at the taste of it in your mouth, spitting to the ground and coughing.

"What the HELL was that?!" Katsuki yelled, panting as he tried to wipe off that gloop.

You looked around, the villains were a few feet away, heroes are gone. This places looks destroyed. And-

Your blood ran cold and your spine had shivers run up it. Your breath hitched and you took a step back. You've seen this man before. At the Yakasai. He liked to come for visits just to watch, give the quirkless some quirks. Everything about him screamed death.

"My sincere apologies Bakugo. L/n, good to meet you again." He said. You felt cold and you were frozen.

"hah?" Katsuki glared at him, taking a defensive stance in front of you.

Move you stupid cow! Move! Why won't I move!
You agued with yourself.

"You've failed, yet again Tomura." The villain before you spoke, looking at the blue haired man with dry lips. "But you shall not lose heart as there will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band. And these...children, because you are so determined to try and get them to follow your plan. You can try again, that is why I am here."

You dealt with these kind of people before. This man was the type to manipulate others to get what he wants. He is a true villain.

"Ah, there you are..." this villain said, looking up to the sky.

Not a second later, All Might showed up, making a large dust cloud from the ground he landed on.  The villain in front of you chuckled at this.

All Might went to strike the villain, but this villain dodged.

"Your gonna give it all back...All For One." All Might said, your eyebrows furrowed at the similarity of All For One and One For All.

"Your going to try and kill me again? Good Luck with that." The villain replied.

Suddenly the ground rumbled beneath your feet. You and the others went sent flying backwards, you didn't have time to use your quirk so you landed harshly on the ground, gaining more cuts and bruises.

You pushed off the ground and stood up, clutching your upper arm as it was now bleeding. Katsuki was further away from you now. You both were separated from the villains. The villains tried to get him, but he made sure he wasn't touched so he moved around with his quirk.

You ran over to help him, but one of these villains, turned to you. She was younger, she couldn't have been much older than you. She had little space buns on the side of her head. An eerily smile was plastered on her face as she motioned over to the orange haired girl.

The two of them walked towards you, as the orange haired girl flicked her wrist, you jumped up in the air, but your reaction time was too late and the roots caught your leg in the middle of the jump, pulling you back down to earth.

"Hiya!" The girl with space buns smiled to you before grabbing out two knives. "You know, your pretty cute!"

You tried to use your quirk on her knives, but it was made out of silver. Must everything be silver now?!

You struggled from where you were, but the rubble in the ground had many spots of metal, you you could get back out. Finally, some metal.

You shot out of the ground as she girl with the knives tried to stab you. You kicked her in the face with your shin, and she stumbled back.

"That's not very nice!" She frowns.

You created a shield right in front of you and procced to wrap it around the orange haired girl, so she couldn't use her quirk. You also layered many sheets of metal around her, all different kinds of metal.

The girl with the knives then moved around you and swiped her knife down on your arm, she used both of her hands so two cut lines were now bleeding down your arm.

You let out a yell, in pain and surprise before punching her.


Your eyes stayed stuck on this girl, not looking away for a second. As long as you heard the constant noise of Katsuki using his quirk, you'd knew he is okay.

"Might as well introduced myself! Hi, I'm Himiko Toga!" She poked her cheek. "Whats your name?? It's y/n, right? I've heard about you!"

You stayed quiet. Not because you were scared or anything, but because you couldn't care less. She hummed and threw a knife at you.

You jumped back and dodged it, she had good aim, but that didn't mean you don't have a fast reaction time. You wondered if she knew about your quirk and that was why she had silver knives and everything.

When you landed back on the ground, the metal sheets you used for the orange haired girl began to thrashed around. You went to put another sheet of metal over, but suddenly a wall struck down from behind everyone before a massive ice slope was created.

Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya then zoomed up that said slope and off it. Everyone paused to look at it, either in awe or confusion. You had both expression on your face.
Kirishima then procced to stick his arm out and call for Katsuki. Katsuki turned to you and you gave him a wink.

He looked back to Kirishima and blasted off, making the villains around him over their faces. You turned back to Toga and kneed her in the face. You went to turn and follow the direction Katsuki, but the orange haired girl suddenly shot out and trapped you in roots again.

"Shit!" You yelled before crashing back down on the ground. "Must you ruin everything?"

"Says you! The Yakasai are failing now that your gone! Secrets are getting spilt! More kids are dying because of you! You've ruined everything you traitor!" The orange haired girl yelled at you. "I'm living in a hell you created!"

"I don't even know your name! You think your the only one with a sob story?!" You yelled back. "Are we seriously doing this in the mists of a battlefield?!"

"Yes we are! And the name's Keiko!" The orange haired girl yelled at you, flipping you off.

𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦 | K. Bakugo x Reader | My Hero Academia |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora