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For now, nothing else mattered. But why would Bakugo betray you. He did, he really did. He promised to keep something a secret and then he shows it off to the world, he lied. And why? Because he was mad? Because he got a bit upset? Is that really a reason to give someone's life secret out for the world to see.
What was going through his head when he did this? How did he think this would be a good idea.
What if he's right? What if you really are a villain. You could hurt your friends. You could hurt the only people in your life that care for you...the only people who cared for you. They think you're a villain now, that's how they see you.

A crash in the far left side of your body made you get ready for whatever is about to happen next. You steadied yourself on a rooftop building. The placement of the stuff here look similar to the streets of Morocco or Greece.

A shadow from above, made your head whip around and dodge the incoming person. Standing before you was Tsu. The two of you held eye contact for a few seconds. She studied you for a few seconds, scared to move forward.
You, yourself were scared you might hurt her.
With another incoming figure from above, you jumped off the small building and landed on a bouncy fabric supporting some sort of stand. You landed on the ground again and went on running.

When your foot steps became like an echo, you used your quirk to make a blockade so whoever was behind you had to stop or they'd run into the wall. After a loud thumping noise, whoever was running after you, ran face first into the wall. That would have to cause a concussion.

As you came close to an alleyway, the alleyway formed an ice wall. Todoroki was there. You jumped on the ice and gripped onto the building balcony that was just above you. Pulling yourself up, you got over the balcony and ran into the building. Making some things fall to the ground, you reached the other side of the building and opened the paper window and then closed it. You ran across the balcony to the other side of it. There was a small gap before the next balcony started.
Without looking at the ground, you jumped across the balcony. In mid-air, halfway across to get to the other side, a whole heard of pigeons came and swarmed at you. Somehow, they knocked you off course and then fell into a unused mini market, knocking over boxes and crashing into wooden crates.

"Ow." You say, rubbing your back. You saw Koda, Shoji and Sato running your way, so you made another metal wall, this one thicker, so Sato couldn't break it down so easily.

You moved on running, trying to stay away from the centre of the streets. Most doors you came by were locked and trying to break them down would be time consuming. Finally, you came across an unlocked door. Rushing inside, you had your quirk at the ready. Just in case someone was in here. With no one in sight, you ran up the spiral staircase. As doing so, your leg started to hurt. Looking down on it, the calf on your right leg was scratched and had some splinters sticking out of it.

You found an unlock apartment, so you made your way inside. Finding a sink, you splashed some water on the injured area. You took out the splinters with your fingers after washing them. Then you found a towel and place it under running water before sticking it on your leg.

"Son of a bitch." You cursed to yourself.

Just as you finished that, footsteps from above gave away someone was there. Not a second later before you took off the towel and hid, the roof came crashing down and in came your fellow peers.
The room became exaggeratedly dusty, making it hard to see were to go. After grabbing a piece of some wooden doll and throwing it into another room, you made your grand escape. While most of the class went into the room that made noise, you escape through the front door. Four people were waiting for you. Mina, Denki, Mineta and Tokoyami. Mineta was the first one who had to go. His quirk could capture you within an instantly, so you kicked him in the ribs, hitting a vital spot in his body. He fell to the floor, gasping for air. The others who were just noticing your entrance, came at you. Fighting them would be no good, since you could go down.

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