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It was a fight you would be seeing on TV. A fight between a well-known hero and a infamous villain. You would be itching from your seat to see who would win.

Sometimes, you would be able to understand what was happening and all you could do was watch. Blood, bruies and yelps of pain were shared between the two.

As battered up as you were, you were winning this fight. You didn't even understand the basic's of this girls quirk and you were winning. She was quite skilled and you went all out on her. When Mandalya's voice came though, telling you that you could fight back, you went even more full-out on her.

The two of you were covered in dirt, blood and whatever else grows in the forest. The orange haired girl didn't stop, not even when you sprained her ankle. She just hopped around, moving her fingers as the forest around her obeyed. You sent a running hit at her, straight for her ribs.

She had quick reflexs and manged to hit you in the jaw as you hit her ribs and the two of you went stumbling back. You tasted iron and rotting fish in your mouth, the taste of blood. You must have bit your cheek or something. 

You spat it out.

"Your pretty good at this." The girl said. "But the heroes made you soft. I've heard the stories of how you slaughtered so many people for fun, it was chilling really. You were one of the best in the Yakasai, I'll give you that y/n."

Your movements flattered for a second. If she knows your name, then there was a chance the rest of the Yakasai do as well. This might not go as well as planned.

"Alright! Truce!" She suddenly yelled out of nowhere. "I call a truce."

You didn't lower your hands or stop your quirk. You eyed her every movement, taking it as a threat. She plopped herself down on the ground and laid back, raising her hands in the air.

"I'm too tired for this shit anyway." She said.

You didn't waste time to whack her over the head, knocking her out cold. You enclosed her entire body in metal, everywhere except her airways.

You found it odd she would just give up like that. You would tell the heroes to bring her to a different prison away from everywhere. You ran on, looking behind you would be a death sentence.

Students! We have discovered one of the villain's targets, a boy named 'Kacchan'! Mandalya's voice rang out as you ran.

As you heard this you tried to run faster. You started to panic, your breath hitched. Why would they want Katsuki?

Katsuki could handle himself, but depending on how many villains are out there, Todoroki might not be the only one who can save him, he'll need more back up.

You heard a ruffle in the leaves. It could be a bird or villain. You didn't want to play it safe, no matter what. Suddenly, down came a man in a mask. His hand barely grazed you and then you were out.

It was cold and you felt like you couldn't move.

"Who was that villain just now?" Todoroki asked as he, Shoji and Midoriya neared Tsu and Uraraka.

"A villain." Tsu said, helping Uraraka up. "And a crazy one."

"Uraraka! You're injured!" Deku called out in pain from Shoji's back.

"I'm fine." Uraraka insisted, eyeing the real injured one with the broken arms. "I can still walk, your the one that-"

"This isn't the time to stand around and talk." Shoji interrupted. "We have to go, quickly!"

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