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Today was the day 1A went into the hero internships. You had yours with All Might, wouldn't the villains be stoked about that. Speaking of them, you were on a call with them right now.

"Report" The monotone voice said.

"1A are having hero internships across the country, All Might is...taking me as his intern" You said, biting your lip as you waited for the answer.

"Understood. Mission report update: A student in 1A is helping us, neither of you will know each others identities" The voice said.

You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Another villain in 1A, damn Nezu has it coming for him. The person on the other line hanged up and you pulled the phone away from your ear and stared at it until it went black.

Taking a deep breath in, you walked towards the train that just pulled up. You wondered what All Might's house would be like, if he had servants or if he had a wife...or a husband, he kinda leads in that direction.

The trip took half and hour, and your legs felt slightly numb when you stood up. You probably should of had more sleep last night. You walked for five minutes and soon arrived at All Might's house.

It was big and white with grey pillars holding it up. It was pretty good in fashion. The entire thing was covered up by a massive gate. Slightly sceptical, you walked up to the front gate and a robotic voice on a screen showed up. It scanned you, and you took a step back.

"Not a villain" It said.

So, it doesn't work.

"AH! YOUNG Y/N, HOW NICE TO SEE YOU, HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE!" All Might's voice said, replacing the robotic one.

After a few seconds, the gates automatically opened and you walked inside. You admired the view of All Might's garden, it has full of life. The grass was pretty green and the flower buds and flowers gave the area life.

All Might then came out the front door with his signature smile played on his face. His hands were placed on his hips, almost doing a pose.

"YOUNG Y/N! WELCOME TO MY HUMBLE ABO, PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME!" All might said, gesturing for me to come inside his house.

The inside of his house was like inside a castle. The white of the walls blinded me, the marble stair case was glistening in the sun light and the multiple pictures of All Might popped the room with colour.

"This looks...like what I expected" you say, turning around in the entrance.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" All Might said jokingly, but you could hear the nervousness in his voice. You guessed that was because not many people would judge him on his living style.

"Well, I knew you were rich, so the big house was expected and the pictures of yourselves was also expected" you say, making All Might happy.

"Well thank you! Now, I will show you to your room!" All Might then walked up the stairs.

You followed him to the third floor, he completely skipped the second one, which you caught a glimpse of a training area. All Might went right smack bam in the middle of the third floor and opened a door.

"It doesn't have anything in it, I apologise, but as an old man I am unsure of the latest teen interests!" All Might said, letting me inside.

He was right, all that was there was a bed in the corner and a large window that closed with a remote. The walls were plain and it was a soft carpet. Nothing else. It reminded me of my old bedroom, but this one was larger. Much larger. It also had a closest instead of being handed clothes.

𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦 | K. Bakugo x Reader | My Hero Academia |Where stories live. Discover now