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You haven't even opened your eyes yet and your head already felt like it was hit with a truck. You tried to get up, but you hit your head again. Groaning as you slowly reached for your head, you blinked twice and looked above you. 

You were in some sort of box and it was hot. Metal, you were surrounded by metal. If these guys are trying to kidnap you, they really suck

You listened to your surroundings and guessed you where in a car due to the high-way like noise coming from all around you. You also found out you were in the back of a car, getting out of this one would be easy.

You flipped your self around, not even surprised to find no bindings on your arms or feet. Using your quirk you unlocked the door and it only opened a little bit.

Of course it manual

You moved yourself again and kicked the door opened, the car behind the one you were in, skidded slightly in shock before driving on. You looked to the owner of the car before giving them the peace sign. They slowly gave you the peace sign back with an awkward smile.

You used your quirk to jump up on the top of the car without being blown off it. You heard slight commotion from underneath you, but you didn't look down, instead you looked straight ahead to see where you could really kick these guy's asses.

Seeing as how barely anyone was on the streets it seemed safe enough to do so. You also took note in the sun slowly setting behind the tall buildings.

It has to be around 4 o'clock.

You cracked your neck from the right side to the left side before rolling your shoulders slightly. Time to kill some bitches. You grabbed on the edge of the roof on the car and made your free hand into a fist as you punched into the window, gripping on to the car wheel.

"What the fuck?!" Screamed a voice from below you.

Your smirked to yourself as you let the metal from the front of the car drip down your arm and clutch on to the steering wheel before yanking it out of it's place. The car suddenly pulled to a stop, leaving you to fly off the roof of the car and tumble on the ground.

Not wasting a second, you got back up and ran full speed at the car, it started again and went straight towards you, almost as if say 'I'll run you over'. You jumped off the ground and made your body horizontally kicked into the car, leaving cuts and glass on everyone inside the car.

There was three men inside, only one who looked like he had some muscle, the other two would lose a fight to a bird.

"Get her!" A booming voice yelled

You acted quickly on taking the guys out, first punching the strongest one with a hard and sturdy force so he would be out for a few seconds then you moved on to the other two, clashing their heads together, instantly knocking them out cold.

The strongest one the grip on to the side of your head and begun to squeeze, you kneed him in the chin and he let go. You grabbed him by the back of the head and started to aggressively hit his head on anything hard enough.

When he stopped struggling, you let him and moved the person driving out of the way. Using your quirk again, you created a stick wheel and moved the car to a safer spot on the high way.

When you stopped, a loud crashing noise was in front of you, shaking the car slightly. You smiled when you saw a blue, yellow and red hero costume with two giant hands on each hip in front of the car.

Hoping out with a smile on your face, you walked to All Might.

"I beat you there" You said, leaving him blinking a few times.

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