Chapter 1

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*20 years ago*

A love confession was sitting on the tip of Brahms's tongue. As young as he was, Brahms had quite big expectations about love and romance. The love songs his father plays on the recorder was to be blamed for that. And the subject of his affections? Emily, their good neighbors' daughter.

As they were strolling in the forest, Brahms imagined them being together. He wondered if she will be a meek and loving wife, or a strong but loving wife. He simply refuse to imagine her as cold and unbothered like his mother.

His musings were broken when the little girl tripped and fell. Brahms rushed to help her but she swatted him away.

"Ew, don't touch me, Brahms." She said.

Brahms quickly retracted his hands. He does not wish to irritate her further.

Emily dusted her hands and they continued strolling. While she was busy looking for unique bugs to collect, Brahms was busy gathering the courage to confess his feelings.

And he finally did.

"Uhm...Em?" He began.

The little girl paused and looked at him. He was not that bad looking, but something about him annoys her.

Seeing her full attention on him, Brahms's courage left. He no longer knows what he's going to say. The sweet words he was sure was going to win her over got stuck in his throat. In a fit of panic, Brahms reached over and gave her a peck in the cheek.

"Ew! Ew! Yuck! Brahms!" She exclaimed as she harshly wipes his kiss on her cheek.

This was not the reaction he was expecting. Stunned, Brahms struggled to explain.

"No! Yuck! I don't like you, Brahms! What made you think I will ever like you?" She has never sounded so angry before.

Angry and humiliated, Brahms pushed her to the ground. But she only got angry and pushed him back. Seeing red, he attacked her and stepped on her face repeatedly. He broke the bones on her face.

Horrified at what he has done, Brahms ran away. But no matter how far he runs, he would never be able to change what had already happened.

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