Chapter 28

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It was almost one in the morning when the car stopped in front of the Valentia mansion. A huge multi-level Victorian mansion surrounded by thick foliage awaited them. 

Kevin rushed to open their doors and one by one, each of them alighted the car. 

Three women dressed in housemaid uniforms and a man with arms covered in tattoos patiently stationed themselves on the porch to greet their new master. All four of them did a double take upon seeing Brahms who's face is once again covered by his plain white porcelain mask.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Valentia snapped, causing them to jump and quickly avert their eyes, mumbling quick apologies.

Mr. Valentia headed inside, followed by Brahms, Isabelle and the staff.

If Isabelle thought the Heelshire manor to be striking, nothing could've prepared her for the grandeur of this one. Luxurious items adorn every corner of the house, the main attraction being the 6-foot chandelier hanging over the entrance. She looked over to see Brahms' reaction, he did not even look fazed.

Turning to his grandson, Mr. Valentia placed a hand on his shoulder and faced the staff.

"Everyone, I would like to formally introduce to you my grandson and your new master, Brahms Heelshire. Him and his...friend, Isabelle, will live here in this house from now on and just like what we talked about yesterday, you will treat him with the same respect as you did me." Mr. Valentia paused to stare at his employees one by one. "And I am once again reminding you that for various reasons, his existence - for the time being - shall be kept confidential. And that should any of you violate the Non-Disclosure Agreement you have signed prior to this know the consequences."

Kevin silently pushed his coat aside, letting the staff catch a glimpse of the gun in his holster. They shivered from the underlying threat, only now fully understanding the gravity of the situation.

Nodding to himself, Mr. Valentia dismissed them proceeded to show Brahms to his room - it was the same room he used to occupy as a child, but improved and refurnished to a gentleman's specifications.

This day will mark the start of a new life, a life his grandson should've had a long time ago. Mr. Valentia knows the road ahead will be rough for the both of them, but he cares not. He will give him the life he deserves, whatever it takes.


Knock, knock, knock

Isabelle knocked on the big wooden doors leading to Mr. Valentia's personal study. It's 6:30 in the morning and a maid just went by her room to inform her that Mr. Valentia is calling her. It has been three days since Brahms' grandfather took them in, and so far, the old man has yet to even look in her direction. Until 5 minutes ago, she is convinced that he is trying to make himself believe that she's not real.

"Come in," a voice commanded from the other side.

Pushing the heavy doors open, Isabelle let herself in. She closed the door behind her and patiently waited to be addressed.

Mr. Valentia's study is spacious, as expected from a man of his social status. The walls are lined with thick, wooden bookshelves, except the one with a huge floor-to-ceiling window. On the center of the room is his desk, as well as what looks to be a mini-living area.

I'm surprised he doesn't have a tiger rug or something...

"How was your stay in my house, Isabelle?" Mr. Valentia's voice brought her gaze back to him.

The question caught her off guard but she tried not to show it. "It was very nice. You have been generous to me, thank you."

"Well, I hope you're not getting used to it. Remember our deal? Whatever you receive from me, you will work for. And I think it's high time you stop lounging around and start paying your dues."

"Of course," she briefly answered, her nervousness increasing with every second she spend under his steely gaze. This family surely mastered being formidable.

"Good," he huffed. "Get dressed and be ready to leave in ten." With one last pointed stare, Mr. Valentia turned his big-boss chair around, effectively dismissing her.

Holding her tongue despite the urge to throw a truckload of questions, Isabelle went and get herself ready. As she tried to make herself presentable with the few pieces of clothing she possess, she couldn't help but dread the plans Mr. Valentia has in store for her. 

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