Chapter 4

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Isabelle did not know what to make of the situation. This doll is the Brahms Heelshire? This is the "boy" she's supposed to take care of? She expected Mrs. Heelshire to laugh and say that it was all a jest but as the silence grew longer, she soon realized that it was not. Mr. Heelshire gave her a nod; encouraging her to say something, anything. She decided to save all the questions and inquiries for later and play along for now.

"Nice to meet you, Brahms." she hesitantly greets. Mrs. Heelshire beamed, glad that she's cooperating. She started to discuss Brahm's rules and schedules but all Isabelle could think about was that Mrs. Heelshire's "son" is nothing but a porcelain doll.

After their introduction, Mr. Heelshire suggests that he take Isabelle on a tour around the house. Isabelle readily agreed, eager to ask some of her questions. 

"Mr. Heelshire?" she wasted no time in asking. 

"Hm?" Mr. Heelshire answered. He already has an idea what questions she might ask, she was their 25th attempt after all. He just prays that she still choose to stay. They dearly need her to stay.

"Is Mrs. Heelshire alright?" she timidly ask. "Brahms-"

Mr. Heelshire gave a deep sigh. "How do you cope with trauma, Miss Williams?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued. "Different people has different ways of dealing with their burdens."

Isabelle did not know what to say, so she stayed silent. She gets the feeling that Mr. Heelshire does not really welcome her questions.

"I will tell you what you need to know. Our son, Brahms, is very much alive. He lives here, with us. And you will take care of him as you will any other child. You will bath him, dress him, feed him, play with him, take care of him. And in turn, you will get the monthly salary we promised you. If you stay, that is. You will stay, won't you, Miss Williams?" Mr. Heelshire could see her hesitating so he continued. "We need you. Brahms need you...please."

Seeing Mr. Heelshire's forlorn and almost desperate expression tugs at her heart. So against her better judgement, Isabelle agreed. "I will try my best to care for your son."

Mr. Heelshire beamed at her response. He could not believe that she actually agreed. The surge of relief and hope drives him into giving her a big hug as a way of showing his appreciation. "Thank you! Thank you! You don't know how much this means to us."

Isabelle could not help but smile at his eagerness. His joy is contagious. She might not understand what is truly happening, but she promised herself that she will try her best to take care of their employer's "son". 

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