important stupid fact

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Of course everyone loves Groot , he is like , stealing all our hearts, but there is something I noticed , in the infinity war, when Groot held the hammer to help Thor, everyone of you said that he is worthy because he held the hammer, but he isn't 🙁😕.

I will explain to you how.

Look, do you remember in the endgame when Thor returned in the time with rocket , when he called the hammer at that time and he was so happy that he was ' still worthy ' , yeaaah. That's it 😐😑

+ I didn't really get attention to Thor movies but I remember that scene where Odin made the hammer (Jonathan ) be in holdable , he didn't made it in the storm breaker .

I want to know what you think if that's right or not 'cus I really want to know if iam the only one who think that and if it's right or not, I know that this is stupid and useful but I was thinking of that for a long time 😅🙏


I just watched what If , it was cool and awesome episode then I remembered that it was the last time we see Chadwick 😢😥😥😥

R.i.p Chadwick 😢😥❤️🙏

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