avengers ask y/n stupid personal questions

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"Hi everyone, my name is y/n l/n "

"Hi y/n, it's nice to meet you, why don't you tell us more about you, you know, to know you better " Steve said to you and you smiled at him.

"Yeah, like how old are you ?" Tony said looking up from his phone to you

"Well, I'm 14 "

"Hey, I'm 14 too " Peter said looking at you happily and you just smiled at him.

"So, tell us more about you y/n, you know, now that we are now your new family" Natasha said looking at you softly.

" So, my name: y/n
My age : I'm 14

Uhh, I don't really love it when someone tell me what to do, because if you told me to do something and I was planning to do it I won't.

I love playing computer games and playstation or X box.

I love movies so much, you don't know how much I love it.

I love anime, you know there's that new season in attack on titan, it will be out soon, I already know the ending, it's really an ugly one.

I always dreamt about flying my the iron man suit, trying to swing with the spider man webs, have the experiences of black widow, having captain America's shield ohhh and Bucky's arm with Wanda's powers...

You guys are going to leave me like that? , I mean if you ignored me ..."

"No we are not ignoring you, I just realized that all the kids by your age have the same things "

Tony said looking at Peter and he start blushing.

"So, what's your favourite subjects
y/n ?"

"Well, school is sucks but I love math and science, PE and English I'm good at them, actually, they are so easy for me, I don't really know why the others hate the math and science, oh and ton...I mean Mr stark, can I spend time with you in the lab, please ?"

"Yes of course but after we finish this, so tell me, what's your favourite food?"

"Cheeseburger, Mac and cheese, ice cream, pizza, and... There are many food I love but the favourite one is what I just said "

"So ya kid, are you good at pranks, I still need one more member in my team " Clint said looking at Tony who was looking at him mischievously.

"Well, I don't really know, I never tried, but maybe I am "

"Well, let's ask more important questions, okay, and I'm the one who will ask, okay ?"

Steve told the avengers and they all nodded.

"Who is your hero?"

"I won't answer that"

"If you could live anywhere, where would it be?"

"I already will, it's the avengers tower"

"What is your biggest fear?"

You looked at Steve for a few minutes, not knowing how to answer, how to tell him what's inside of you.

"Y/n if you don't want to answer this question, it's okay, you don't have to..."

"No, no, I will, I'm just scared that... That someday you will hate me and leave me, that you don't want me anymore "

"Y/n don't say that, we will always love you and we will never leave you kid " Wanda said as she walked to you and hug you, followed by the others.

"So, What is your favorite family vacation you want us to have ?"

"Uhh, this is hard, what about Hawaii, the Maldives, Bahamas "

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