will Peter get into his dream collage?!

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((A/N, before I say anything, I just wanted to thank you guys for 5.51K view, thank you so much guys, I can't believe that this is my own story, and I promise you that I will write more chapters as long as I don't have an headache ❤️✨✨.

So, I watched before a lot of YouTube videos about teenagers getting into their dream school...since that I want to be one of them, so, I thought, why not to do that with the avengers family, ironwidow and Peter!))

It's really a beautiful and nice day, Natasha is reading her book, with Steve next to her doing the same, Peter, Clint, Thor and petrio are playing FIFA, Tony is in the kitchen, trying to impress Natasha by making everyone dinner, which they all know will end up with them ordering pizza,

Bruce is in the lab, Wanda is watching vision trying to help Tony and the other avengers are somewhere around the compound.

Even when it was beautiful and all, but they were kinda scared, not because they're scared that any evil guy will attack them, but because today, the MIT will send Peter an email telling him if he got accepted or rejected, even when they're pretty sure that they will never reject someone as smart as Peter, but there may be a possibility.

"Mr Stark, I know that you're trying to impress Mrs Romanoff by making her your mother's famous pasta but she already know that you're not good at cooking and you will end up with burning it" vision said, trying to convince tony to let him and Wanda make the food themselves, but tony refused.

"Nope, sorry Jarvis..." Wanda shot Tony a glare as he called him Jarvis, they argued before about calling vision 'vision' or 'jarvis' everyone ended up calling him vision except Tony, why?, Because he made this A.I. to remind him of his family's butler Edwin Jarvis who was a father figure to him and now, he has his own body so this is a golden chance!

"I remember this one time when mama told me "Anthony dear, never give up, I know that you can do this and I believe in you" "

"But Mr Stark, Mrs Stark said so when you were getting into the MIT"

"SAME THING!, Also, when I was a child, and not sent to a school board, I used to watch her cooking with Jarvis and Ana, oooooh, wait yeahhh, I remember Anna's cookies, the best cookies ever, wait, I think it's somewhere in mom's recipe book!"

Tony said as he left the food he was making and start looking through his mom's recipe book for Ana's somehow secret recipe, Vision just sighed and put his face in his hands and Wanda chuckled and walked to him to hug him.


meanwhile, Natasha was reading her book, not hearing her husband, she is reading her book and smiling at Peter who was shouting happily because he won the match.

To their surprise, they didn't hear any explosions from the kitchen or smell any burning food, 1 hour later, they heard Friday's voice.

"Mr Stark, Mr Stark jr and Mrs Stark, there's an email sent from the M-"

Before Friday could even continue, everyone ran from where they were and stood next to Peter who's opening his Stark-lab, Natasha and tony sat down on Peter's side, with their hands on his shoulder, they all are panicking.

"Don't worry Spidey, I'm sure that you will get into your dream collage" said Wade, giving Peter a big smile.

"you know kid, you're going to get accepted to there, you're such a smart kid and you're a Stark" this time, said Matt, the others are also trying to tell him supportive words, Peter is smiling but his hands are shaking, Natasha and Tony kissed their son's cheek.

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