nobody -ironwidow

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((A/N,this story will be Romanoff industries!, in case that you don't understand, this is like a role reversal between tony and Natasha and pepper, where Tony is Natasha's assistant and Natasha and her family own the Romanoff industries. but tony quit working with Natasha because fury made him to work as an agent of shield))

Natasha sat in front of the big windows, with sad eyes staring at the beautiful lights of New York, she's all alone now, no one is here for her, no one is here to stay with her or talk to her, her parents and her sister Yelena, they're in Russia, running the company in there, they don't visit as much as before because a lot of things is happening.

She sighed and wished if she just stayed there and didn't leave, if she didn't ask her father to be the one to stay here in America to run the company with his friend Howard stark, then, she remembered someone, who because of him, she just decided that it's not really that bad to live alone in America and to run the company, without her parents being always next to her and not always visiting her, someone who showed her life is beautiful, showed her that she's loved and deserve love, and showed her that she finally
Found the love of her life,

But, he left her

He left her alone like everyone else did. She knew that he was right. she knew that she's really a horrible person and she is the worst boss ever, and she doesn't deserve someone who's awesome and great like him.
While all her thoughts were running through her mind, she looked at her guitar, the looked back up at the beautiful lights of New York. Now it's raining, and her tears are falling.

My God, I'm so lonely
So I open the window
To hear sounds of people
To hear sounds of people

She was too late, she wasn't perfect enough, she was scared even when she's so confident and never was scared to tell anyone anything, how is it possible to be so hard to say 3 simple words to someone she knew for 10 years.

Venus, planet of love
Was destroyed by global warming
Did its people want too much, too?
Did its people want too much?

Maybe, that was a good thing that she didn't tell him, because then, she won't destroy his life and get him into her superhero shit, and then, all people will want to get into his life, because 'who's that so lucky guy who's dating Natasha Romanoff'

She really hated those time when he told her that she need someone to be there for her, someone to hug her when she needs and someone to sleep next to her, to calm her down when she has nightmares, this asshole didn't realize that she didn't want his pity or him to give her advices, she wanted him, she NEEDED him.

And I don't want your pity
I just want somebody near me
Guess I'm a coward
I just want to feel alright

She's now just sitting her all alone, with no one to wipe her tears and tell her everything will be ok, someone to wrap a blanket around her and give her a cup of hot chocolate, and to hold her close

And I know no one will save me
I just need someone to kiss
Give me one good honest kiss
And I'll be alright
Nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Ooh, nobody, nobody, nobody

She was just sitting in her big new tower, singing and playing her guitar. Everyone thinks that she's rich, so she's so happy and has the best life. but the truth is, she's so empty from the inside, and she's so lonely and sad. she has no one, and no one wants her.

I've been big and small
And big and small
And big and small again
And still nobody wants me
Still nobody wants me

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