Chapter Eleven

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Reina didn't pay much attention to the idle chatter around her as she was placed on her feet outside her front door. She didn't even have it in her to ask how they got here so fast.
"Princess, you're freezing and wet, you should head inside. Your Mother is home aswell so-
"Please stop."
Reina finally choked out, cutting off Alec.

"I don't know why you call me princess or why you're here and I don't even really want to know. I just want some peace."

Jane placed her hand cautiously onto Reina's arm, trying to offer some comfort.
"Princess, we're here for YOU, the kings-

"Enough! Just stop. It's the kings this and the kings that and you tell me that I'm important and blah blah blah and YOU-
She pointed towards Felix.
"YOU broke into my home and terrified me, hell I passed out because of you. And for the first time in my life, I have some weird want-no need to be with people that I only just met which IS NOT OKAY. I'm feeling so much and I don't know what to do with that.
Reina pulled on her hair as she broke down.
"Just GO! Leave. I don't care what your so called kings ordered you to do. Hell, you're probably in the mafia cause who else calls themselves 'kings' and I ain't getting involved in that. So please. If I'm truly important to you and your so called 'kings' then leave me the f**k alone."
Reina whimpered out.

The Guard eyed each other then Reina.
"We'll go back home then. But the kings won't be happy."
Jane warned before gesturing for the rest of the guard to leave as she sped off.

Reina gasped as they sped off in front of her, not bothering to hide their unnatural speed. She stood there frozen, eyes locked onto the empty space where they once stood as her tired brain tried its best to rationalise what she just saw.

"-cake? Cupcake?"
Veronica had opened the front door as she spotted her daughter stood outside from the window as she passed.
Upon hearing her moms voice Reina turned and collapsed into her arms.
"Oh my sweet baby. You're freezing. Cmon. You can tell me what's wrong after we get you warmed up, mi pobre bebé."

Guiding Reina into the warmth of their home, Veronica gently tugged her jacket off and lead her to her bedroom, advising Reina to get into warm clothes while she went to make hot chocolate for her.

Reina moved at a snails pace towards her dresser and searched through the drawers, eventually pulling out a pyjama set, throwing her wet clothes into a corner as she slipped on dry clothes, preparing to curl up in bed and sleep away her feelings.

Reina moved at a snails pace towards her dresser and searched through the drawers, eventually pulling out a pyjama set, throwing her wet clothes into a corner as she slipped on dry clothes, preparing to curl up in bed and sleep away her feelings

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Pulling back her bed covers and slipping underneath, Reina curled up and closed her eyes.


Reina huffed and opened her eyes, turning her head to her wet jeans where the top of her phone peaked out of the back pocket. The telling sound of someone texting her still rung out in echoes throughout her room but her body made no move to get her phone.

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