Chapter Fourteen

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Arriving in the Forks High car park, Reina walked with Krystal to their lockers and deposited her books inside. Pulling out her history book Reina meaningfully nodded her head in the direction of the music corridor which was absent of students and teachers. The message was clear to Krystal that they could talk there and have less risk of being disturbed.

Taking a breath Reina tried her best to explain to Krystal.
"I'm being completely honest here Kris, I don't even know what happened myself, all I know is that I just wanted to get you out so badly and then my hands started glowing and then the door blew off and then when you left, they started glowing again and then everything started flying and falling so I ran. I know it sounds crazy and you probably think it's some excuse because I trashed your room but it's the truth."
"I don't think it's an excuse Reina but are you sure you weren't just seeing things and accidentally knocked everything over? I mean you did have a concussion."
"No, I know what I saw and felt. Besides you saw all the bruises on me in the woods. I think whatever happened caused them."

At Krystal's disbelieving but sympathetic expression, Reina continued.
"I know you don't believe me, hell I wouldn't believe you if the roles were reversed but I'm being honest. Something unnatural happened. What if we met up after school and I tried to show you?"
"Girl, If you can show me then of course I'll believe you, but you gotta admit that it's not exactly believable, like you're basically telling me that what, magic exists?"

After taking a breath Krystal thought back to last night and continued on.
"Regardless of what actually happened, I'm glad you're okay.... but what happened after Edward took you? And how do you look completely fine? Last night you looked awful. I don't even know where Edward came from or how he knew you were here. And I feel so bad for leaving you to him, I tried to go after you but it was like you both disappeared."

"I don't remember much about Edward being there but I woke up to Mr Cullen looking after me and he said Edward brought me. But now do you see something wrong with all this? Because Edward had no way of knowing where I was and he brought me to his house instead of a hospital." 

Looking thoughtful Krystal was about to reply when the bell interrupted her and students started rushing through the hall to get to their classes.
"We'll talk more about this after school, we've got history to get to, just stay away from Edward right now, something seems off about him."

Reina was about to protest but looking into Krystal's eyes and seeing the concern in them, she mumbled a quiet "okay" and sent a reassuring smile to her before bumping her shoulder and walking to history class.

Walking into Math class Reina quickly found her seat and set down her pencil case and notebooks, preparing herself for the lesson.
The booming joyful voice accompanied by a set of arms pulling Reina up into the air and spinning her before depositing her back into the seat interrupted the mental preparation Reina was in the midst of doing.

Unable to contain her laughter, Reina let out a stream of laughs.
"Hey Emmett, it's good to see you too."
Reina watched as Emmett dropped into the chair next to her with a notable thud and turned to her with a faux pout.
"I heard you came over last night and spent time with my dad and Jasper. I'm hurt you didn't come see me."
"Technically it was you that didn't come see me considering it was your house."
"Touché shortstack, you'll just have to come back over so that we can hang out together."

Reina hummed and was about to reply when Mr Thompson, the maths teacher, entered the room and the class went quiet.
"I trust you all had a pleasant day yesterday and are incredibly excited to learn some algebra today."
At the sound of groans and displeased murmurs, Mr Thompson sent a sympathetic smile out.
"I know. I'd rather be anywhere but here too but unfortunately this is what is on the curriculum and I have to teach you it so I can keep my job and get paid."

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