Chapter Five

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Sparks ran though the both of them as they touched and a sense of warmth and home was created within them. They zoned out of reality as they lost themselves in the others eyes, relaxing into a tranquil bliss when they were suddenly pulled away from their bliss by a horrid screeching from behind them.


Reina and Edward tensed and did a 180 turn to face the source of the screeching and as they did Reina couldn't help but notice with a blush that Edward kept a firm but gentle hold of her hand, stepping partially in front of Reina to shield her from any threats.

The pair easily picked out the source as one Isabella swan was stomping over to them, her face going red with anger at the sight of her "crush" holding hands with the new girl.

As she stopped in front of the pair, Isabella gave a final glare to Reina before smiling a crooked smile and batting her eyes at Edward.
"Hey Edward, I couldn't help but notice you over here and I wanted to come say hi and make sure that SHE wasn't bothering you."
Isabella said, putting a sharp emphasis on the she.

Edward could barely contain his anger and automatically started growling at what he determines a threat to his Reina. He almost lunges to attack Isabella but was stopped by the squeezing of his hand and the warm body that inched closer to him. Letting himself take in Reina's calming scent, he pulled Reina into a hug trying both to protect Reina and calm himself down.
With a harsh warning tone Edward growled out.
"Please Isabella, leave. Reina is not bothering me, you however are."
And as he says this Reina wrapped her arms around Edward and snuggled closer to him, a little confused as to why she doesn't in the slightest feel weird for hugging this stranger. This handsome stranger she thinks with a blush.

"What! I can't believe it. You'd rather stay here with that rat than me?!"
Isabella screams out attracting the attention of the others in the car park.

"Reina is not a rat and yes. I would rather stay in the pleasant company of Reina than go anywhere near you. I haven't even known Reina a full day and I already know how sweet and caring and passionate she is. Not to mention that she's the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon".
Edward replies gently whispering the last part while unconsciously playing with Reina's hair.

"Beautiful?! Edward how can you not see how ugly she is? I feel sorry for who created her cause they'd have to be really ugly to create HER."
Bella nastily bites out.

Upon hearing this Reina freezes in Edwards arms and lets out small laughs .Stepping away from Edward, to his utter dismay, Reina stalks towards Bella and glares hatefully at her
"You can say whatever about me Issawhateverthefuckyournameis but you bring up my family at we got some serious problems, understand?"

"I'm just being honest. I don't know why you're getting so defensive. It's not my fault your Mom is ugly and fat and completely undesirable. I even heard that your own Dad left you both, which is understandable because look at you both."
Isabella snarls out before throwing a punch that cut Reina's cheek due to the ring she was wearing.

As the blood swelled up Edward, and the rest of the cullen family who were watching the exchange from afar, felt their more inhuman nature come out. The Cullens weren't worried about harming Reina as they were physically incapable of harming her, however they didn't want to loose themselves in their blood lust and hurt any of the other students, though one cullen in particular would be happy to impose bodily harm on Bella, that would also mean exposure and they couldn't risk that.

So the cullen children left with worried glances towards her and a hope that she would be okay.

And while the Cullens were leaving, Reina recovered from the shock of being struck and landed a blow to Isabelle's nose and hearing a crunch, she figured it was probably broken.

The rest of the students in the car park had gathered around to witness and record the fight that had soon kicked off.

Isabella tried to slap Reina's face but was unsuccessful as Reina pushed her away from her and swung her around, making Bella hit the ground with a thud.
"You're a whore Reina!"
Screamed out Isabella in which everyone knew at that point she didn't know what else to say apart from untrue insults.
"You don't even know me Isabella, we could've been friends."
Reina looked down at Bella laying on the ground and shook her head, deciding that it wasn't worth it and turning to leave she walked off in the direction of her bike.

What Reina didn't realise was in trying to be the better person, Isabella took this opportunity to jump Reina from behind and slam her body against the car to the left of Reina.

Reina let out a scream of pain as her shoulder popped and moved out of place, and taking advantage of Reina's state, Bella took Reina's head and bashed it off the car roof.

The people in the car park watched in horror and people rushed in to remove Bella from Reina as Reina started loosing a lot of blood from the impact of her head bashing off the car.

Reina felt strange and dizzy and upon feeling her face get wet she wiped her hand across her face and pulled it away to see her hand slick with red liquid. Seeing her blood fuelled Reina's anger and even in the state she was in Reina wasn't about to let Isabella win. Reina kicked Bella's leg and caused her to fall and face plant the ground, bursting her lip and bruising her face and torso. Reina then preceded to kick Bella with the little strength she had while she was awkwardly leaning up against the car.

Reina only stopped when she heard Bella begin to pathetically plead
"p-p-please, stop."

Reina felt sympathy for the girl and stopped kicking her before she felt a sharp pain in her temple, letting out a small whimper.
Reina felt a pair of arms going around her, lifting her up, and she heard someone plea with her to stay awake but Reina just felt really tired and decided to close her eyes for a spilt second ignoring the yelling and commotion around her.

A/N-I need your help! There is going to be a new mystery character who is basically going to protect Reina and be her friend and I think it'd be really cool if that character was one of you so if you'd like to be a character in the story then comment down below:
•And a little bit about them
I'll pick one and I'll incorporate them into the story. You can of course tell me if you'd like something to happen to/with them at any point and I will tag you when I mention them in the story.

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