Chapter Three

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"If the name séan is pronounced Shawn but spelt like Sean then why is Dean pronounced Dean and not Dawn?"
Reina giggles out to Krystal in the cafeteria.

Krystal who was currently leaned over the table, laughing madly, brought her head up to face Reina and let out another string of laughter.

"Waffles are actually just pancakes with abs."
Reina once more giggled out. Her eyes filling with tears as her stomach hurt from the amount of laughing she was doing.

"Uhh, I hate to stop this mind blowing, amazing conversation but Jessica and her crew are walking over here."
Krystal said to Reina as her voice became hard and serious. Any previous evidence of laughter and fun gone.

Reina turned her head to the side and sure enough a group of people, including the chick who was glaring at Reina during history, were walking towards Krystal and herself.

"Oooh lord, here we go. If they start anything though.....I swear, I'm not going to put up with them."
Reina mumbled to Krystal as the group made upof four girls and two guys kept walking straight for them.

Krystal made eye contact with Reina and nodded her head in agreement to Reina's previous statement. Krystal hated Jessica Stanley with a burning passion. Funnily enough they used to be the best of friends until Jessica decided that Krystal wasn't good enough to hang with her anymore. It didn't stop there though, Jessica also made it her life goal to make Krystal's life miserable. Managing to draw away any friends that Krystal ever made.

"Hey there, you must be Reina, the new girl. I'm Jessica, this is Mike, Eric, Angela, Lauren and Bella."
Jessica said, pointing to each individual whilst openly evaluating Reina before eventually casting her eyes at Krystal.

"Krystal, I see you're still parading around like a sad miserable bitch. Hm you know what? Reina, do you wanna come sit with us? I'm sure you're just trying to be nice by sitting with Krystal but I'm sure you'd rather sit with better people, right?"
Jessica asks Reina with what Reina could only describe as one of the fakest smiles she's ever seen.

Reina narrows her eyes at Jessica before getting angry.
"Better people? You actually think your better than Krystal? You are nothing but a little girl whose life is so boring that she has to get involved with everyone else's. Stop acting like you're the queen of everything, because you're not. You cannot be a queen if your throne is made up of everyone you've stood on. Bye Jessabella."
Reina snarls out.

"You bitch, how dare you say that to he-"
The girl (Bella) whose name could only be remembered for its irony begins to speak.

Reina wasn't going to stand for this. It's her first day and already her friend is being picked on. Shutting Bella off before she can get what she has to say out, Reina stands up walks over to the next table, which just so happens to be the Cullens, and taking one of their many unopened water bottles she walks back over to Krystal and turns to face Jessica whose side had been joined by Bella.

"Girls like you really piss me off."
Reina sighs out.Unscrewing the water cap, Reina tips the water over Jessica and Bella, soaking their hair and clothes, and completely ruining Jessica's makeup.

Crying out, Jessica ran out of the cafeteria as the other students in the room took photos of the mortified running Jessica and shocked Bella.

Smiling at Krystal, Reina returns the empty bottle to its rightful owner at the Cullens table.

"Hey um I'm sorry about that, I'll buy you a new one if you want,I-"
Reina begins but stops once she looks at the inhabitants that sit at the table. Each Cullen had the most beautiful smile on their face and Reina would gladly admit that they were inhumanly gorgeous.

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