Chapter Sixteen

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Not straying too far from the dirt path that would lead them back to the road, Reina and Krystal had found a clearing in the woods that was ideal for Reina to see if she really did have powers or not.

Krystal had made herself comfortable on a tree stump located at the side of the clearing meanwhile Reina had settled in the middle of the clearing, hoping she'd have enough room that should anything happen, it wouldn't get out of control.

Reina had a feeling of doubt wash over her after ten minutes had passed with nothing occurring, and wondered if Krystal was right and she had just been experiencing a hallucination. Krystal had appeared to hone in on her feelings and ran up to comfort her. Although Krystal truly didn't believe that Reina had destroyed her room with magic, she knew that Reina did and she wanted to be supportive of her friend.
"It's okay Rei, give it time, maybe it's like performance anxiety! You can't do it when other people are watching."

Unable to stop a giggle from escaping her, Reina adjusted and rested her head on Krystal's shoulder.
"I just thought that something really did happen. Although I do suppose magical powers are the last thing I need anyway."
Reina sighed out.

Using one hand, Krystal pushed back Reina's head so she could make eye contact with her.
"Why would it be the last thing you need? If magic did exist, it would be pretty awesome. Think of the fun you could have with it."

"My life is just so hectic right now. Like the move from Spain to here and then making an arch enemy - which by the way I'v never had one of those before so that's a new experience - getting into a fight with said enemy, my house gets broken into by what I'm pretty sure was the mafia and I get told I'm supposed to be the princess of it on top of that and finally, I'm harbouring a crush on like seven different people. And that's all within like three days of actually being here. It's just one thing after the other, I can't catch a break."

"No. Sorry, hold on. I'm still trying to process all that. Your house got broken into?! Have you called the police? Also what the hell do you mean it was the mafia?! What sort of criminal shit are you getting involved in girl? Do you have no self perseverance? If it's the mafia they could literally make you disappear. And you're my best friend so that's not allowed. Also girl, having a crush on seven people isn't anything to be getting all twisted about. I have a crush on almost all the female population."

Giggling, Reina gently bumped shoulders with Krystal and offered her a big smile when they made eye contact.
"No but seriously, do you have no self preservation instinct or anything? Like how does your house get broken into and you don't immediately go to the cops."
"I didn't exactly think about it then. I was under a lot of stress, okay?"

Pulling Reina into a hug Krystal let out an exasperated sigh.
"Are we gonna have to get you a bodyguard or something? We're definitely gonna have to expand our duo to a whole group in order to make sure you're being responsible and safe 24/7."
"Aww you want to keep me safe."
Teasing her Reina placed a kiss on Krystal's cheek and watched in amusement as Krystal flushed red.

"Isn't this sweet."
A mocking female voice called out across the clearing causing both girls to jump away from each other.

They quickly turned to look at the owner of the voice and were shocked to see what would have been an ordinary and relatively beautiful red head, if not for the bright red eyes and dried blood stained on her top.
Feeling her stomach twist as a sense of danger came over her, Reina reached out without taking her eyes off the newcomer and grasped Krystal's hand for comfort. Feeling Krystal squeeze her hand and start to slowly walk backwards, Reina moved with her but was stopped when a second, male voice, called out from behind them.
"We were just talking about getting lunch, it's so kind of you to offer to be it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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