Chapter Twelve

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She's running. She hasn't once stopped for a break since she began running, fear pushing her body to its limits and far past fatigue. Her bare legs catch onto thorns and nettles, shallowly slicing her skin, leaving trails of blood dripping down her legs. Leaves that have fallen from the closely packed trees around her take rest in her hair. She's a mess. She gasps trying to intake as much as oxygen as she can as her body collapses beneath her.Her limbs throb in agony and tears wet her eyes. She tries to Stand but her body won't co-operate. It wants to rest. Hanging her head, her eyes lock onto her hands hanging flimsily by her side and she almost retches at the sight. Her hands are discoloured black and blue, the blue seemingly continuing up her arms and underneath her sweater.

"Alice, what did you see?"
Jasper questions Alice, pulling her into a hug and calming her with his gift as he felt her panic. The rest of the Cullen family looking over from where they were previously having a family meeting.

Edward whispers out after reading his sisters mind, quickly taking off for the woods while the rest of the Cullens turned to Alice for answers.

Reina was slumped on the ground trying to get her body to co-operate with her and stand up when she heard Krystal's voice calling her name.
Reina internally panicked at hearing Krystal's voice because she knew that Krystal would have questions and she had no answers.

It was only a few moments later when Reina caught sight of Krystal jogging through the trees, dodging stumps, nettles and branches as she made her way closer to Reina.
"Oh my god!"
Krystal shrieked and sprinted towards Reina's form before dropping to her knees and throwing her jacket over Reina's body.
"What happened?! Did someone attack you?!
Krystal worried, looking around for any danger.

"No.... I'm sorry. I-I never meant to mess your room up or run but-

"I don't care about my room, it's gonna be a bitch to clean up but you're far more important than that. Besides I assume you had a reason."
Krystal paused for a moment before continuing on
"You're lucky you had your phone with you though otherwise I never would have managed to track you here. I got scared when I came back to my room and it was trashed and you were gone but your motorbike was still outside. I care about you and if somethings going on or someone's hurting you, you can tell me, I wanna help."

"I know and I'm sorry. When I figure things out, you'll be the first to know."
Reina promised giving Krystal a small smile, which resembled a grimace more than anything.

Krystal found herself smiling in return for a moment too before she gasped and a look of concern was plastered on her face as she re-evaluated Reina.
"Are you in pain?! Oh god, should I call an ambulance, I'm such an idiot, I just let you lay there while I rambled! do you-

Edward almost roared, cutting off Krystal's words as he took in the sight of Reina on the ground, barely managing to control his speed as he stopped in front of both girls.

"Edward Cullen."
Krystal stated dumbfounded, getting a bad feeling from him.
"Why are you just sitting there with her!? She needs medical help!"
Edward snarled before gently lifting Reina and strategically moving to get out of Krystal's sight so he could speed to his home where he hoped Carlisle had prepared to help Reina.

"No! Stop, what are you doing, where are you going?! I can't let you just take her. She's my friend, if you're going to the hospital then my house isn't too far away and my Mom can drive us! It'll be quicker than walking!"
Krystal exclaimed as she tried to keep up with Edward.

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