Chapter Fifteen

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Reina let Edward lead her into an empty classroom and watched as he shut the door behind them.
"I got your message last night. You don't have to thank me for helping you, I'm just glad you're safe. I'd really like to work on our biology project some more, I know you're grounded but if you tell your Mom it's for studying, I don't think she'd mind."
Edwards soft and almost hypnotic voice reached Reina's ears and she almost missed the implication of his words.

Taking a step back from Edward, Reina's face hardened and she tried her best to hide how nervous she felt.
"How do you know that my Mum grounded me? And speaking of knowing things, how did you know where to find me last night?"

Reina watched as an unknown expression came over Edwards face before he recovered and turned to her with a patronising shake of his head.
"I overheard you telling Krystal that you were grounded before you entered history this morning. And I found you by coincidence in the woods, sometimes I go walking to clear my head. I'm really glad I came across you because you looked in really bad shape."

Reina immediately refuted his explanation.
"I didn't tell Krystal anything about being grounded and even if finding me was a coincidence, why didn't you let Krystal come too, she was really worried."

"You've had a hard couple of days so I don't fault you for not remembering what you told your friend. Also Krystal can't be trusted to look after you. You went to her house and came out looking like you got attacked."
Feeling her heart rate pick up Reina walked behind a table to put more space between them.
"Why are you gaslighting me Edward? I know what I said and what I didn't say to Krystal, and I know one hundred percent that I didn't tell her that. Also how dare you?! It sounds like you're blaming Krystal for what happened to me. You weren't there, you don't know what happened, okay?! Don't ever accuse Krystal of anything again. And wait! How the hell do you know where I was last night before being in the woods?!"

'Krystal was right, there's something really unsettling with him'

Hearing Edward scoff, Reina looked up only to step further back in surprise. He had moved across the room to her without making a sound.
Reina watched as he slowly rose his hand up and cupped one of her cheeks in comfort.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, that wasn't my intention. Neither was upsetting you. I just- A pause- I can't give you the answers you're looking for. I have secrets , like you have yours. But my secret, you wouldn't be able to cope with it right now. It would kill you."
Cutting him off before he could continue Reina spoke in confusion.
"Things aren't adding up with you and I know that I'm in the middle of it. If it involves me then I have a right to know. I'm a big girl, I can cope with whatever it is and knowing won't kill me, it'll stop me from feeling so damn confused and unsettled."

Letting out a mixture of a pained and angry snarl Edwards hand dropped to Reina's arm and grasped tightly. He's under no false impressions that his family will keep her human as they all want eternity with her and at the end of the day, she's their mate too, but Edward wants Reina to have all the things in life that he couldn't. He believes she deserves to have human experiences and have a biological family of her own. Something neither he nor his family could grant her. And Edward knows that when she finds out what they are, when she learns of the mating bonds, she'll be turned. He'd effectively be killing his own mate.
"NO! It would kill you. I'm just trying to keep you safe but you're being so difficult."

Reina tried to pull her arm free from Edwards grasp but was unsuccessful, and found her thighs clenching together when he buried his face into her neck and breathed her scent in, licking a stripe of skin there before gently grazing it with sharp teeth. It was an odd feeling she had. Edward was displaying signs of aggression and the dark look on his face paired with inhumane black eyes were clear signs that he was becoming unhinged. Yet, Reina somehow knew he wouldn't actually hurt her. Yes, his grip was solid and inescapable and yes, the gaslighting and patronising words he offered her was a red flag. But she'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little turned on.

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