Chapter Thirteen

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Reina had never felt her heart break for someone as much as it broke for the Major in the journal. The pain and suffering he went through tore into her heart and she found she couldn't will herself to read anymore with such a heavy heart.
"What's wrong Darling?"
Jasper whispered, gently turning Reina's face towards him and locking eyes with her.

"It's just hard to imagine that this was someone's life. He got dealt the worst hand in life but he didn't complain once in any of the entries I'v read. He was so strong and brave..... Do you think he found peace in the end?"
Reina quietly pondered and closed the journal with a sad smile.
"Thank you for letting me read it."

Reina gasped when Jasper suddenly pulled her even closer to his chest and settled into a hug with her.
"No. Thank you. I think he did find peace."
He told her softly, breaking the hug and hesitantly reminding her of the time.

Reina moved out of Jaspers lap almost immediately, swearing she heard a growl come from him before she double checked the time on the clock and internally panicked, turning back round to face Jasper.
"We've been reading for three hours?! My Mum is going to kill me. I have to go-
Reina rushed to go leave, before she realised that she didn't have her phone or motorbike with her.
"F**k! Do you know where my phone is?"
Reina turned, letting out a yelp and moving back when Jasper was stood right behind her, in a mock military pose with his hands behind his back, staring at her like he was thinking something over.

"I understand your frustrations but please do mind your language Angel."
Carlisle's almost stern tone met her ears and moments later she saw him emerge from the kitchen where she wasn't sure he was before.

Reina felt embarrassed at that moment. She was a guest in someone's house and here she was, making a bad impression.
Reina flushed bright red and watched meekly as Carlisle strode towards her offering her both her phone and what she recognised as Krystal's jacket.

Taking both possessions from him, Reina felt a sense of awkwardness slowly creep up her spine along with her still burning embarrassment until it quickly dissipated and she no longer felt either.
Clearing her throat she shifted in her spot and glanced at both men.
"Thanks for taking care of me and spending time with me but I should really go now."
Reina told them, offering them a smile in thanks before she turned and walked to leave.

Carlisles voice called to her, making her turn around to see him pull car keys from his pocket and walk towards her.
"It's a long walk back to your home and it's quite late so I can drive you back. I wouldn't feel right letting you walk back. Especially alone."

Reina mentally juggled the pros and cons to his offer and decided that she couldn't really protest. Her mom would probably already be worried sick and if she was any later her mom would definitely kill her. She gave a nod to Carlisle and received a smile in return.

It was at this moment that Jasper moved to her and took her hand, laying the most gentle kiss on it as he looked into her eyes.
"It was lovely reading with you darling. Goodnight."

Jasper smiled at her and then left the room leaving Carlisle to place a hand on Reina's back, gently guiding her out the house and to his car.

The car was filled with silence as Carlisle drove Reina home, the only sounds present being the ticking sound of the indicator and her own breathing. She didn't know what to say to fill the silence but she didn't mind because it allowed her to hyper-fixate on Carlisle's chest and his breathing, or rather his lack thereof.

Forcing herself to look away, she mentally filed her discovery away for her to overthink on later and checked the notifications on her phone.

Krystal ~ Are you ok?
Krystal ~ I called ahead at the hospital but you're not there. Where are you?
Krystal ~ I'm rlly worried Rei please text me back
Krystal ~ I'm coming over first thing tomorrow, you left ur bike here anyway. If you're not there, I know Edward was with you last and istg I'll kill him.

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