VOLUME 3 Chapter 2

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It had already been a few days since Paul with his companions had ventured out to the continent of Dragovh. Rather than wearing his Eldritch Death Knight armor and drawing unwanted attention. He donned his black three piece suit and trench coat knowing that it makes him look more proper and noble, which he hopes could push people to be more open to him.

The forest was beautiful, the entire trip. He felt as if he was on a vacation in the caribbean. The air was also extremely clean, he could feel it entering his lungs and exiting his nose with seamless smoothness, it was a journey he could stay on forever. As if he was on a neverending vacation where he can slow down and enjoy his life without the rush of a modern bustling megacity looking down on him. Noting his past life, always being busy with work and smelling the odor of a lively city. He and Alana were both on horseback and Bahamut was sleeping neatly on the back of Paul's saddle.

"Ahhhhh, I could sleep underneath one of these trees and have the time of my life. It's been so long since I did that."

"You could. Though I don't recommend doing it near a road, M'Lord."

"You know, back in my world. I had little to no time for myself. Always busy with the stuff I have to do with my company."

"Huh, M'Lord, that actually explains your capability to lead people. You already have previous experiences with business."

"Ehhh, I guess? It's different from leading an actual Military force but it does have some correlations. I dabble mostly in transportation. So this entire thing is mostly new to me, meeting and talking to people of another world and that jazz. But I'm happy to have you here, since I'm sure you're older than some nations back on Earth."

"I see, so that's why they called you on the logistics of the stockpile. You already know what to do, how come you have Sir Francis run the supply of your army?"

"Easy, I was already the head of command for the ground forces. It would be a hassle to change it, and my expertise would help better in fighting on the frontline as a high level player who specializes in DPS Tank Build. Francis' build is more generalized with a sprinkle of Magician, so he's perfect for logistics work."

"Hm, I see. Then, you should try to behave yourself, M'Lord. A foreign man from a foreign land in a foreign place is never a good mixture."

"I know, and you behave yourself too. Don't go out at night drinking the blood of the innocent... though you did say you only want to drink my blood. Later if I get my carriage, I'll go and brew something up. Though I'd need a player who specializes in enchanting though."

"I have you know as a Countess, I do not merely drink blood like that. I require blood from the higher sectors of human society and you are my Lord now. I only require your blood, unless you specifically order me to drink the blood of others, only yours is what I need. Thus is the contract."

"Ah! I remember this cliche, it's because you don't want the blood of dirty peasants and only want to drink the clean blood of rich folks or something? Either way, I'll do something with my blood alright? I know you'll be needing it. For now, just eat normal food. I'll pay."

"No. It's more so that the Nobles usually take better care of themselves and are fed well. Hence, they're better for our diet. Though, it's not that I need to feed every night. I've gone past that point. But I'd usually drink blood once a month just for the taste."

"Dang, how powerful are you? The fact that you can walk out in the middle of the Sun and even not require as much blood anymore."

"I would be weak if I needed intake of blood. Nay, I merely take in food from other sources including those humans eat. It's not the same level of drinking or eating a human but it works."

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