VOLUME 9 Chapter 1

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Sitting down, the General's eyes couldn't help but wander as the King with his right hand started laying down the pawns and pieces of the chessboard as he listened to his Butler report to him something important. "I see, the Duchess has it controlled then? Leave it be. I don't want the people to think much of it." Meanwhile, Bahamut was given a special seat, just for her while the Countess sat to the right of the General.

The King sat there, silently looking at Paul. His eyes scanned the man up and down. Observing him carefully as he cleaned his uniform and sat straight up with his shiny leather Oxford shoes as clean as the snowy day.

"You have an interesting uniform General."

"U-Uhm thank you your majesty. I was actually on the fence in wearing this here but I guessed I wouldn't have stood out if I didn't."

"Indeed. That black color and the white shirt with your cap and its white lace really brings it out. What is the history of this uniform? Why were you on the... fence...?"

"This uniform is actually a kinda modern rendition of a not so good organization from ninety years ago. From far away, if you knew our history, Your majesty, you'd think I was going on a reenactment or larping like them."

"Really now? I do see why. That uniform is made to intimidate while looking stylish. To do Evil while cool."

"And it's kinda the motif of the Knights of Eldwood your majesty. Hence why our armor is so over the top with how Gothic it's styled. Even then, I kinda prefer our green one Your majesty, it's far more acceptable for us, Outworlders than this."

"Heavens, it happened ninety years ago. Does your Knight Order support the same ideas as them?"

"Of course not your majesty. What they did was heinous, but when modern guilds were popping out more and more, our green uniform was no longer cutting it and we were no longer standing out like before. One of our original members, DreiTresFrei or James. He makes Evening and Party Gowns on Earth and in his free time, he'd design military uniforms for himself."

"What a diverse Knight Order."

"Thank you, your majesty. We have members from all over the world actually, though many came from Asia like me."

"And your Knight Order, the... Knights of Eldwood, what was its main goal in your world?"

"Our main goal really was to establish a strong and powerful Death Knight Order capable of taking one of the Castles in the middle of the Dark Continent for ourselves. So far, we've been unable to do so, your majesty."

"Really? You seem like a strong human. Akin to that of the Heroes, if there were twelve of you, then the enemies you have must be... Demigods."

"Sorta, yes. Though we don't really do much other than patrol the Southern part of the Dark Continent and participate in World Events as a group so that it would be easier on everyone. We do usually get invaded, yes. With the Kingdom of Breznick being one of your biggest enemies and lifelong rivals."

"Kingdom of Breznick? Hmmm... I think I heard that name as the Diplomat I sent to the Kingdom of James said something about that."

"Oh yes, that was probably the Sword Saint and her grand speech about attacking us first."

"Ah I see, and the United Nations? What is its purpose?"

The General rubs his hands together, his body leaning forward a bit.

"It's just supposed to be a collection of modern and fantasy medieval guilds that joined together into one organization. A worldwide Alliance of sorts so that we may all align our goals and missions and work our way into a way home. It's based on a real organization on Earth... our uhm... planet's name. Though the one we came from is named Tur or Dragon Language of Rock. Your majesty."

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