VOLUME 4 Chapter 2

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Augustus was unfazed by her fire breath, he knows his will most likely have the same effect, choosing instead to dive and climb, using gravity to his advantage and cut off her wings. She notices this and dives to avoid him, going deep into the clouds and as they appeared on its top, hundreds of American Boeing B-52 Stratofortress with Russian Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjacks were flying in formation escorted by F-22 Raptors and Sukhoi Su-27 Flankers was buzzed, the massive aircrafts looked like miniature toys to the two giants fighting.


Pilots of the aircrafts frantically yaw to the left and right, avoiding the two as they fought on. One of the B-52s was unable to maneuver in time, its Pilots panic trying to yaw the aircraft to the left.


Its large right wing hit Augustus in the head, his reaction was as if a fly hit him in his cheeks, merely shrugging off the 56 Meter long wingspan of the bomber. The damaged B-52 started spinning violently as it performed a Graveyard Spiral to the ground. Bahamut on the other hand was actively avoiding the jets and aircrafts. Augustus takes advantage of this and grabs her neck with his claws. The jets yaw and roll, going around the two mighty beasts duking it all out.

Down below, the main force starts forming a line parallel to the main gate, stopping the enemy army from advancing any further. Paul was severely wounded, internal bleeding is slowly taking his performance. Looking back to see if anyone was coming to help, he instead is blinded by a Red Flare. Knowing that this is a call for Broken Arrow, he throws his Longsword at the Vampire like a Spear, caught off guard by the move, she grabs it while he faces his kite shield upwards and casts Gravity Well and Walls of Chevaliers. He's basically attached to the ground with a personal shield surrounding him.

She realizes something was wrong and looks at the sky just for her to see it blackened by 500 Pound Mark 82 bombs mixed with KAB-500Ls dropped from B-52s and Tu-160s. The immense overwhelming firepower caught the enemy by surprise, the trail of explosions made a path of absolute destruction from the horizon to nearly 200 meters of the main gate of Kingsland.


"Good copy Moonray, we'll egress to the West and RTB."

"ХОРОШЕЕ ШОУ! You do the rest comrade Moonray! Watch out, we just encountered two giant Dragons fighting. Над."

"Roger that, safe flight home to all of you. We all owe you one."

Battered, bleeding and tired. Paul emerges from the ground, like an undead human reanimating back to life, he reaches out his left hand to touch the soil above that has buried him. After finding it wasn't that deep, he lifts his torso up and sees the devastation. What remains of his tank was now just some bits and pieces of scrap metal, parts of humans and creatures scattered everywhere as far as the eye can see. While those not directly affected by the blast were burnt to crisp, the shiny armor of the Holy Knights still gleaming and steaming hot from the heat. Its wearer toasted inside.

After making sure the Vampire was no longer there, he rejoices.

"HA! FUCK YOUUUU! I SURVIVED YOU BITCHAS-" A sudden pain runs through his ribs and to his spine, he looks down to check his chest and sees that a fist has punched him. Though his armor didn't bend, the shock from the powerful punch seeped through his veins, worsening the Internal Bleeding he's already fighting against. He wants to fight back, but not one part of his body except his free right hand was still working. The sheer amount of hurt he should've felt came, screaming from the top of his voice from the pain.

"Ara, you celebrate too early. If you don't see a corpse, it's better to think that person's still alive, am I correct?"

Panicking, he materializes a Flask full of Green Liquid to his right arm. He could barely make it reach his helmet's eye slits when he felt fingers unbuckling his right hand Eldritch Steel Gloves. Bending down like she was gonna take off a Dogs collar, the Vampire smiled with intent as she removed the last straps.

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