VOLUME 3 Chapter 10

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The clear skies slowly turn dark, blocking the Sun of the strange world. Most of the commanders from Paul's tank battalion hear rumors that the robots they've been fighting possibly had human pilots inside them which lowered their morale.

"Look, it's just rumors. If it was the case, they would've already respawned at the Churches we've captured." He orders his men to get back on their feet and help their skeleton crew in reloading and refueling the tanks and Bradleys. Bahamut on the other hand lands next to the town, she was in full size and even from inside the town her wings and head could be seen. Alana could see the General was tired and haggard from the day, sitting by the stone sidewalk.

"Are you calm?"

"You know this is so fucked. I'm supposed to be commanding Five tank battalions, but all I have here is this: four companies and some Bradleys from the recon section loaded with infantry. For fucks sake I don't even have a Recovery and Maintenance Section. The reason why we've been stopping in towns and cities is because I had to borrow their sections."

"We're in the last part right? After this you can go back to that city and blame your higher ups."

"Oh I will, no wonder Hassan was so silent. This is so scuffed. Good thing he didn't send everyone to this mess. Ugh."

He stood up, growling like an old man and helped in re-arming and refueling. Alana on the other hand opened her bat-like wings and flew to Bahamut who was resting in a field. Curious players were all around her, touching her scales and just looking at the gigantic dragon. The Vampire landed with a bit of an intensity, taking the players attention away from the large dragon and towards her.

"Could you boys be good and scurry off?"

Sensing her immense power and intimidatingly beautiful face, the players disperse. Going back to their posts and returning to their tasks. Seeing the small vampire, Bahamut leans in to talk to her.

"Hmmm? What is it immortal one?"

"You sense it don't you? Something is off with this entire thing."

"Hmmm... I do. But for now, I recommend staying low. Thou art forces in play, big forces and we're seemingly marching to the middle without noticing."

"I don't get it, I'm sure Paul sees it too but he's too busy to act on it. We must do something."

"And what dost suggest?"

Far into town, the roaring sound of the turbine engines of the main battle tanks ready to go. It echoes to the outskirts as the seventy one ton tanks roll out of the North part of the quaint settlement, the shadows of the polished walls of Kingsland loom over the formation which quickly made a right turn without breaking the arrowhead.

"Hannibal to all callsigns, remember the plan. Keep tight and watch for any surprises. The moment you guys enter the city, you'll be inside their bounded field. So far, the Guilds that were faster than us have already started invading the town, their military inside is nothing to be afraid of as I said."

"Redwood to Hannibal, Sir, why do I get the feeling they poured everything into those machines of theirs but we just totaled with air superiority?"

"Well, the folks inside said that the moment they saw the Leo Two brought by the Eisendrache Guild, they just raised their hands and surrendered. Thank the Lord we didn't firebomb the place before entering."

"So we're just gonna rush into their Guild Hall?"

"Yep Redwood, you with Tusk are gonna just rush it. Don't stop for traffic or anything, just roll through the city. Their Guild Hall is an old looking Governor's building."

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