VOLUME 11 Chapter 3

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Scattered clouds above them, a calm hymn of the wind as the cold front continues to weave over the lands of Geraldia. The once lively city, now only a mere pint of it still bustling with life. As if life halted suddenly, the roads were empty, alleyways left to rot and alone. Restaurants and Hotels devoid of its once lively atmosphere and replaced with closed shutters and closed signs. The ghosts of the city could now only hear the rumble of the engines of military vehicles and the marching boots of the foreign players from Guilds far away now walking in the midst of the eve of a destruction that was upon it and its machination, left to its own devices.

Whirls of helicopters echo amidst the deafening silence in the Uptown. The large gated community is now dusted and bare. Its desolate mansions devoid of people as a lone patrol of skeletons and a humvee patrolled its clean and well maintained road. Choppers fill the skies as they come back and forth to the sole Airbase in the entire region.

The evacuation continues with no tire. The group walked around without an escort deep inside the sea of lines. The General is watching closely with a serious face of what is happening, with his hands behind his back. He walked slowly, letting the players have a long hard look at the man whose medals were stringed upon his chest with valiance and honor.

Though the snow was mostly gone, the cold temperature wasn't letting up. With the Human and Elven players wearing clothing for winter still as the new year starts and the players with Lizard characters emitting fire from their own bodies to warm themself and the V The city seemed to suddenly sleep, like a beast that's been awake for hundreds of years, finally given time to rest. The metropolis has mostly gone silent, a sleeping den of concrete and glass. The clouds above halting the Sun's shine on the city on the run.


"Hm? What is it, soldier?"

The young player character with a snappy salute to the General hands him a note.

"Hm? Oh now what is this? Why is Higher Command giving me a shopping list?"

"The United Congress said that you are ordered to return to Iron Mountain immediately after finishing your work here, sir."

"Why are these given to me? They even want me to investigate the new anti magic tank armor? Soldier, what is the ETA on these?"

"None given sir."

"Then none taken. Shove this back up to them and tell them to wait. I'll deal with this later. Right now, I need my focus here."

"Yes sir. Oh, and sir, Major Garland is requesting for you."

"Not now. After this, I have to sort things out in the Downtown PD with Yamaoka. Tell him to redirect his concerns about logistics to Alana."

"And last message sir is that there might be a fleet that might be coming to help us out, sir."

"Might. I need assurance, Lieutenant. I do not need might be, I need yes sir, it's confirmed."

"Sadly sir, we have no ETA if the supply ships from Woodstock will be able to restock them in ample time. The First Carrier Group is still circling above Geraldia."

"Then don't mention it. Unless the High Admiral actually confirms that he'll arrive, don't mention it at all."

"Yes sir."

With a sad blue hue to the cold afternoon, the soldier made a snappy salute and returned to the crowd of people. Walking farther away from the Central Evacuation Site, the streets become dead and the boots of armed men replace the once peaceful sounds of shoes and heels hitting the sidewalks of the Commercial District. Crates of ammo now piled and stocked in important landmarks and intersections completely nullified of its purpose to give a person avenues of approach as sandbags, tank traps, and HESCO fortifications are set up to prevent anyone from getting anywhere, and if one dares. A hail of lead would only await them.

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