VOLUME 9 Chapter 2

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After walking long and hard, the two finally reach the actual grand entrance of the Castle which leads to the Commercial district of the city. Unlike the rich uptown, the place was almost void of snow except the rooftops and the enchanted street lamps. Dragons would occasionally fly by, dropping parcels and netted wooden barrels on the yet incomplete Tower. Even with the extremely low temperature, everyone else was wearing normal summer clothes.

The two would get occasional stares, with most directed to Bahamut. Whose beauty is captivating many of the Vampires through her veil, though the women on the other hand took offense to her, many after looking at her ethereal looks seeping from the veil that covered her face would often stare at her ears with discontent.

"I just thought about this but... since you have a halo that spews Void Liquid like my armor does when I put it into its limits... but you can do it without care..."

"Master... no."

"I'm just... saying... but it's technically an infinite amount of Void Liquid for me to use and melt into Blackmetal... riiiighhht...?"

"Master, if I have my halo on. That would disturb the spatial balance as I'm technically opening a small portal to the void. When your armor does it, it's far smaller and leaves a tiny smudge. Mine though Master, it's a real portal that could spawn the horrors of the Void into the physical world."

"Ah, I see. No wonder you use a lamp with a blue flame to it. What's that about anyways? Blue flames is like top tier magic stuff that even I can't use. Farthest flame I can use with magic I can conjure is black fire."

"Oh, you mean this?"

A blaze of blue fire appears below her hand and it materializes a rusty oil lamp with a cold blue fire inside it, though some parts of it were still shiny. It's apparent the oil lamp has seen better days. The sudden usage of magic shocks the Vampires around them, but nonetheless carries on as they feel an intimidating and scary aura coming from the harmless object she materialized out of thin air.

"Yea that, what's that for anyways?"

"You know the full story of the Void, Master? The land between Heaven, Tur, and Hell. A realm above that of the mortals?"

"Uhm... no. Though we've been to Hell together to fetch some metals and items. The knowledge everyone has about the void is merely just surface level. Which I guess you know the full story about?"

"Yes I do, and the Void Master is a very cold and dark place which I'm guessing you already know right?"

"No. We don't even know what the temperature there is like."

"Let's just say without any fancy armor like Dragon armor or Trialloy like yours, you'd immediately freeze to death without actually freezing and your helmet must have proper padding as the wails of the lost souls are very noisy and you don't hear them with your ears, instead with your very soul."

"Oh wow, I'm guessing that old Dragon Slayer then managed to walk around for a bit longer as he had all of those."

"He did Master, but he didn't even last a second of battle against my true form. Now as a place where lost souls are, in my spare time. I thought of using this to guide the souls I come across, to at least help them so that I may sleep in peace."

Vampires around the two could feel the radiating coldness from the blue flame of the lamp, even with the immortal creatures, looking at it directly felt as if they were violating something they shouldn't and many chose to look away and continue walking forward.

"I thought you were just permanently in your Dragon form in the Void. Huh, I guessed you fooled around in your human form too?"

"Mmmmm... it wasn't exactly human form Master. Though the Dragon Slayer did get to see it, I'd rather not have you view such an unsightly version of this body. Since I wasn't restricted with my powers there, I'd shift between the forms freely and a human one is not enough, I'd usually use the Void and its darkness to propel me around. Though when I reached the so-called "Living" or real world, I was once again restricted to my dragon form."

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