VOLUME 9 Chapter 8

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Walking around, the Vampires there didn't wish to chat with him. Holding a wine glass, he smiles at them but none of the immortal creatures were curious enough to have a conversation with the human. Seeing that no one was interested in the right side of the room, he nonchalantly walks to the left. Greeting everyone he'd pass by and a warm smile to boot to truly sell himself. Suddenly, someone throws him to the side and to much of his dismay. Was an old face that he had no intention of meeting.

"Ah, General. Good to see you here."

"Ah yes. Lord Angelo, how may I be able to serve you?"

"Do tell. What're your plans with the Countess?"

"... Uhhh... What do you mean by this? If you mean in the future, then continue adventuring and doing missions."

"Not that you buffoon. Do you plan on marrying her? Sir Minuit has been going on charades about how you might be a Hero of sorts. Though I seriously doubt that seeing you and your demeanor with the lack of divinity. I do want to know if you have any willingness to get involved in Vampire Society for good."

"Uhm... no... I'm going back to Earth. No matter the cost. I have far too much at stake there and family."

"Good, good. This Earth. Is it like Threa?"

"No. Not at all, Threa is also a bit bigger than Earth and... the creatures here are certainly more gigantic and diverse. Humans aren't also the only species with thought and intellect."

"Ah, so this Earth place of yours contains many humans? Do Vampires exist?"

"Nope. None, all of these are merely a work of fiction for us. Imagination, something authors and writers would make up to entertain or warn the masses."

"Interesting, that explains your abject disrespectful behavior and posture when meeting us. But nonetheless, I do wish for your safe return. Do not return here, unless you are one of us."

"Ohhhh, is this... kindness I am sensing?"

"Hmph. Do not think too much of it. Alana has been smiling more and smiling true. Something I've only been able to do once."

"University I guess?"

"No. I've known her far before that. But we were merely acquaintances..." Don then started swirling his wine glass. "She was alone in the garden, as her parents instructed her to go there since everyone was amazed at the sight of a Purebred Vampire born from natural ways. I merely made a stupid joke about how I hate Eggplants and she laughed at it."

"Pfft... That's... that's actually pretty cute Lord Angelo. Well, she laughed because she hates bitter food. That's why when we were adventuring, I avoided buying Eggplants and Sesame seeds unless it's for Bahamut."

"I always theorized she hated it, so that's why she drinks more Wine than coffee... I do not know what she sees in you, but I hope you may be able to continue doing this. Keep making her smile and have fun. Not to be bogged with her life as one of the few Purebreds."

"Do not worry my man." The General smiles and puts his arm over the Vampire Lord. "I gotchu'. Look, Alana at the end of the day is just another normal girl. Treat her just like anyone else and she'll reciprocate the same. Treat her as someone special and she'll return the same. That's really all there is to it, she likes normal things like Mangas about Knights saving Heroines or Novels and even cooking stuff."

"Look at you talking big." The Vampire swipes his arm and walks away waving. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind for future use. Do be well, Lord Jackson." General Paul smiles as he continues walking around. He could feel the gaze of the Countess constantly following him even though he is a hundred meters away already and she's inside a crowd of Nobles chatting and drinking.

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