VOLUME 12 Chapter 5

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Walking into the cold forest as the Sun sat just above the treeline, illuminating the endless jungle there inside of. The birds were chirping and they all could hear nature's sounds from all manners of directions and some Deer stalked the flying Dragon orbiting the trio as they walked through the badly maintained dirt path that goes into the heart of the forest.

Jackson kept his hands locked at his pommel while the two Vampires just casually walked through the dirt path. Bahamut flew around them like a crow as she jumped from one branch to another, gliding around and flapping her small armored wings as she performed reconnaissance for the party.

"You know, I just realized it now."

"Hm? What disturbs you, My Lord?"

"How come there's no Guild building here? All the requests are from the village people."

"It is due to the Holy See not sensing profit in keeping insulated and glass buildings in small outback villages, My Lord."

"And I just realized this... our Party... is registered in Dragovh. Do we need to make a new one?"

"Uhm... I do not know, My Lord."

"I see... and we need to keep our rank too. It's so hard getting irked about it when we try to get quests a bit far too strong for the rank we have."

"I believe it'll stay as long as we have our Cards to prove it, My Lord."

"Nice. Let's try to make it to Rank A then! Bahahahah!"

Walking behind them, Alana is biting her nails as she continues to walk in the open sun. Closely observing their surroundings as the Dragon flew around them eating Pears in one swoop.

Elizabeth, who could hear her fangs clashing with her lower jaws, turns around and started walking next to her. Keeping pace at the visibly perturbed girl.

"Does it bother you that much, Countess?"

"Your Majesty, I cannot allow such a thing to happen. For a lower and unrighteous Vampire to drink the blood of a Minuit. Such a shortcoming. I am trying not to think about it... but this annoys me greatly."

"Believe me, you do not need to think much about it. Even my blood was drunk and used so profanely that if the Kingdom were to find out, they'd ransack every Human city and town."

Jackson visibly recoils upon hearing it but continued to walk forward into the forest as the trees got thicker and thicker to the point that the Sun's rays were unable to reach most of the dirt path they reached.

"Upon tradition, that Vampire must be killed and their name and property seized by the Minuits, Your Majesty. This is upon the rules you and King Charles set down."

"Yet are you willing to do so? That Castle was very big, even for us. It would be a challenge."

"Not only that." The two then look forward to the Knight. His hands, one in the back and one on top of his pommel. "Vampire Players usually build their Guild Bases in open fields or atop mountains. That one we passed by, it had no roads leading to it, nor any cover."

"As if it was dropped there without care."

"Exactly, Elizabeth. So attacking that place without an army of players, at least... hmmm..." Jackson then opens his palm and with his right hand which he lifts from his sword starts to write numbers with his left hand. "One level ninety, that means there's a Duke..." mumbling to himself for a minute, he soon crosses his palm.

"We'd need three level two hundred players and at least two hundred level fifty players in full plate and sixty mages. Half in Holy, Half in Flames."

"Is it unique to only that Castle, My Lord?"

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